Passes for travel to work will be automatically extended until May 4 – Moscow 24, 29.04.2020

The procedure for issuing passes for one-time trips remains the same

Passes to travel to work will be automatically extended until May 4

The validity of working digital passes for traveling around Moscow by transport is extended until May 4. This is stated in the decree of Sergei Sobyanin, published on the portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow. Initially, they were issued on April 30.

“Yesterday I signed a decree extending the self-isolation regime until May 11, 2020. Today, after the digital platform has been finalized, we are opening a service for extending digital passes for commuting,” the mayor said on his personal website.

The procedure for issuing passes for single trips remains the same. They are available twice a week. For trips to hospitals and clinics, as well as for volunteer activities, you can apply for a pass every day.

For business card holders

For the convenience of citizens, all already issued work passes will be valid until May 4. Those who plan to travel to work from May 5 to May 11 will need to renew their pass. You can do this any day before May 4th.

Residents of the capital who plan to continue moving around the city on the basis of an official ID or digital code do not need to provide additional information or change previously submitted information if they do not require updating.

For owners of cars with foreign numbers

Owners of a car registered in another country who issued a digital pass before April 30 must provide additional information to by May 4 to continue using it.

To move around the city, individuals will need to provide their last name, first name, patronymic, date, place of birth, registration address in Russia, contact phone number and email address.

Legal entities that are the owners of the vehicle should indicate the name of the organization, data on the address of its registration, tax identification number or its equivalent.

It is also necessary to provide the series and number of the registration document of the vehicle, attach photos of its front and back sides and a photo of the driver's license.

Now it is not allowed to move around Moscow on vehicles that are not included in the register. Vehicle owners will be held administratively liable for violations.

Extension of restrictions

The day before, Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree that extends until May 11, inclusive, all restrictions in force in Moscow.

The Mayor of Moscow drew attention to the fact that, despite a slight decrease in the dynamics of the increase in COVID-19 cases, the number of patients increased by 70% over the week.

Sergei Sobyanin also supported the decision taken earlier by the president to extend non-working days for another two weeks.The mayor called on Muscovites to stay at home on May holidays.

In Russia, 99,399 cases of coronavirus infection were registered. The 10,286 people recovered. For all the time, 972 people died from coronavirus.

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