Press center of the oil company | NKNP

The press center of the oil company is a new stream – relevant information on the activities of the organization. Information for the media about accreditation for events.

Press Center

May 4, 2022

29 Apr, 2022

28 Apr, 2022

13 Apr, 2022

Mar 17, 2022

15 Mar, 2022

Feb 24, 2022

Feb 21, 2022

To ensure control over the safe conduct of production work and the implementation of environmental protection measures at the end of 2019, the Ecological Service was formed in the NKNP. In addition, our enterprise has concluded contracts with the following organizations that monitor the state of the environment:

  1. The Federal State Budgetary Institution Center for Laboratory Analysis and Technical Dimensions in the Volga Federal District (FSBI Tslati for the PFR) provides services for environmental monitoring of the environment (tests of atmospheric air, surface and groundwater, bottom deposits, soil) according to The program of comprehensive environmental monitoring of Vorontsovsky, Mogutovsky and Gremechevsky licensing plots of NKNP LLC.
  2. The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Officer of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) provides services for monitoring biological resources (animal and plant world) in the area of ​​influence of the enterprise in mining, in accordance with the Program of comprehensive environmental monitoring of the Vorontsovsky, Molotovsky and Gremychevsky Licensed sites of NKNP LLC.
  3. The Buzuluk Specialized Laboratory for Supporting State Environmental Supervision of the Orenburg Region (GBU Ecological Service of the Orenburg Region) is selected and examined by atmospheric air through mass concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, carbon oxide and nitrogen dioxide. Notifications based on the results of testing are sent to the leadership of the Buzuluksky Bor National Park, as well as the heads of rural and village councils of the Buzuluk district, bordering on the production facilities of the NKNP.

How will the new stream compensate for the damage caused to the Buzuluksk borus as a result of its activity?

How will the new stream compensate for the damage caused to the Buzuluksk borus as a result of its activity?

The NKNP measures for compensation forestry are scheduled for sale for 10 years and include the purchase of young trees, financing for landings with a total area of ​​964.45 hectares, as well as ensuring agrotechnical care for seedlings.

According to Russian law, areas and places of compensation landings will be determined together with the Ministry of Forestry and Hunting of the Orenburg region. At the moment, the company has fulfilled compensation landings on the territory of forestries indicated by the Ministry of Forestry and Hunting of the Orenburg region with a total area of ​​124.5 hectares.

In agreement with the specialists of the Buzuluksky Bor National Park, the Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IS Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Buzuluk Forestry, NKNP carried out the transplantation of plants listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Orenburg Region.

– at the Vorontsovskoye field – 1,089 plant specimens;

– at the Mogutovsky and Gremyachevsky deposits – 10,294 plant specimens.

What will happen to the well pads and communications at the NKNP facilities near the Buzuluk pine forest after the license expires in 2035?
What will happen to the fields after the expiration of the NKNP license in 2035?

What will happen to the well pads and communications at the NKNP facilities near the Buzuluk pine forest after the license expires in 2035?
What will happen to the fields after the expiration of the NKNP license in 2035?

To begin with, it is necessary to make it clear that the term of the license does not mean the end of the life of the field, since oil can run out both earlier and later than 2035, and the term of the license will change accordingly if the subsoil user did not violate the license agreement. Therefore, it is probably more correct to discuss what will happen after the completion of the development of the NKNP fields.

By the end of the field development period, NKNP will stop exploration and production of oil at the Vorontsovsky, Gremyachevsky and Mogutovsky blocks.

Oil wells will be liquidated taking into account the high requirements for the isolation of the columns, the dismantling of process equipment and utilities will be carried out at the sites.

Technical and biological reclamation will be carried out at well pads. Masts with carrier transmitters will be retained to ensure signal coverage.

Transport corridors of communications, equipped by NKNP on the site of historical glades in the forest, are freed from field pipelines, while the functionality of the corridor is preserved – a public road, a fire clearing, access roads. The cable line will remain for power supply to consumers – holiday homes, campsites, etc.

As for the objects near the village. Tverdilovo, then, most likely, the entire infrastructure, including the oil treatment plant, the associated petroleum gas processing plant, the pressure oil pipeline to Transneft, will continue to function, but already performing its functions for other fields that will be discovered in this area by NKNP or other subsoil users.

How is the safety of oil export from boron on tank trucks controlled? Does Novy Potok guarantee that in the event of a car accident, oil will not spill from the oil tanker over the boron and cause an ecological catastrophe?

How is the safety of oil export from boron on tank trucks controlled? Does Novy Potok guarantee that in the event of a car accident, oil will not spill from the oil tanker over the boron and cause an ecological catastrophe?

The design documentation for the arrangement of deposits does not provide for the shipment of the extracted products into tankers on the bush site.

Arrangement projects provide a closed sealed system for collecting wells. The emulsion from the well enters the automatic group measurement installation (AGZU) of a closed type. After measuring in the AGZA, the products are received by the assembly oil and gas collector, according to which it is sent to the integrated assembly point (located 8.5 km from the borders of the boron), where oil is prepared.

The oil and gas collector itself is designed and made of steel increased corrosion resistance of the 13XHF brand with an increased thickness of the pipe wall. In addition, the oil and gas collector is equipped with a shut-off reinforcing reinforcement with remote control.

Will local residents have the opportunity to visit the Buzuluki Bor using the internal roads of the new stream after performing the work on the arrangement of deposits?

Will local residents have the opportunity to visit the Buzuluki Bor using the internal roads of the new stream after performing the work on the arrangement of deposits?

NKNP LLC is not going to limit access to Buzuluki Bor for local residents.

Everyone will be able to use the roads built as part of the arrangement of deposits of society.

However, access to bushes, as dangerous production facilities, will be prohibited.

Will construction on agricultural lands be carried out (in the Buzuluk district)? If so, how will the damage to land users be compensated?

Will construction on agricultural lands be carried out (in the Buzuluk district)? If so, how will the damage to land users be compensated?

The project really provides for the passage of the corridor of communications outside the borders of the Buzuluk boron along the lands of agricultural

These land plots are used on the basis of lease agreements with land users.

The design documentation provides for two -stage reclamation of land violated by construction. The first technical stage is carried out by a construction organization, the second subsequent – biological – is carried out by the land user.

The land user performs a reclamation using a technology approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Orenburg region due to the compensation paid by NKNP LLC. The amount of compensation is also determined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Food and Processing Industry of the Orenburg Region.

The road to the Mogutovskoye field passes along the old bridge over the borovka near the Gremya Cordon. Does the New Stream plan to reconstruct this bridge? After all, the technique will walk on it heavy.And it is not a fact that this bridge will withstand such a load.

The road to the Mogutovskoye field passes along the old bridge over the borovka near the Gremya Cordon. Does the New Stream plan to reconstruct this bridge? After all, the technique will walk on it heavy. And it is not a fact that this bridge will withstand such a load.

NKNP LLC has developed design documentation for the construction of new bridge crossings across the Borovka River and the Chertalyk stream using reinforced concrete structures of factory manufacturing.

The old bridge over the boron will be used as an auxiliary for the period of construction of a new bridge.

After completing the construction of a new bridge, the old bridge will be dismantled.

Where is it planned to put natural gas, which will form in the preparation of oil from the new stream deposits? Will he be burned on the torch?

Where is it planned to put natural gas, which will form in the preparation of oil from the new stream deposits? Will he be burned on the torch?

Indeed, in the preparation of oil, associated oil gas is released. In accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2012 No. 1148 On the features of the calculation of the fee for the environmental impact when emissions into the atmospheric air of pollutants formed during burning on torch plants and (or) dispersion of associated oil gas, The level of useful utilization of associated oil gas should be at least 95%.

As part of the execution of these requirements in June 2021, the NKNP signed an agreement for the design and construction of the installation of a private oil gas processing with the South Korean construction company Hyundai Engineering CO Ltd. The installation will ensure the useful utilization of the PGN from the NKNP deposits and will allow you to extract at least 96% of the ShFLU, which is equivalent to about 50 thousand tons of commodity product per year. The commissioning of the new plant is scheduled for the II quarter of 2023.

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