Rules for the competition in weighty biases. Sport of real men. Gyrevo sport: standards. What muscles pumps gyrean sport

Rules for the competition in weighty biases. Sport of real men. Gyrevo sport: standards. What muscles are pumped by weighty sport 1.1. By the nature of the competition in weight sports, they are divided into:

Rules for the competition in weighty biases. Sport of real men. Gyrevo sport: standards. What muscles pumps gyrean sport

1.1. By the nature of the competition in weight sports, they are divided into:

In personal competitions, only the personal result of the participant is counted and, in accordance with this, his place in the competition is determined.
The team competitions count the results of the team as a whole and in accordance with this the place of the team is determined.
In personal-commander competitions, the result of each participant and the team as a whole is calculated separately and, in accordance with this, the personal places of participants and teams are determined. The composition of the team members is submitted to the judge collegium by the representative of the team daily before the start of the competition. Rearing is carried out daily before the start of the competition.

1.2. The nature of the competition in each individual case is determined by the Regulation on the competition.

1.3. Competitions with weights 16, 24 and 32 kg are held according to the program: – push of two weights from the chest (short cycle)
– push of two weights from the chest with lowering to the hang of the hang after each lifting (long cycle)
– The girie market alternately with one hand
– Classic biases (push and jerk)
– Team competitions (relay races)

Competition program

1.4. The competition program is determined by the Regulation and should be compiled so that the athlete can act on one day no more than in biennial or a separate exercise and relay.
Competitions should be organized so that the rest time between exercises is at least 30 minutes

1.5. The winner is determined in each weight category, both in separate exercises and in the classic biases by the largest amount of rise. In a jerk in the offset there is an average result of the amount of rise, made by one and the other hand. With the same number of rise from several athletes, the advantage receives an advantage – a participant who has a smaller weight before the performance
– a participant with a lesser weight after the performance,
– A participant protruding on the draw in front of the opponent.

1.6. Places in the team championship are determined by the results of the test participants in one of the methods determined by the Regulation (according to the tables of equalizing coefficients, by places in personal championship).

2. Participants in the competition.
The age of the participants

Athletes are allowed for competitions:
– boys and girls – up to 16 years old
– Elder boys and girls – up to 18 years old
– juniors and juniors – up to 20 years
– Youth – up to 22 years old
– Men and women – 20 years and older
-Veterans-40-44.45-49.50-54.55-59.60-64.65 years and older.
The age of the participant is determined by the year of birth (as of January 1 of this year).
Note: boys and girls, older boys and girls, juniors and juniors who have high sports training and special permission from a doctor, may act in an older age group.

Competition participants are divided into the following weight categories:

boys: up to 45 kg, up to 50 kg, up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, SV 70 kg;
Older boys: up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 80 kg, St. 80 kg;
Men, youth, juniors: up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 80 kg, up to 90 kg, CB 90 kg;
Girls, older girls: up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, SV 70 kg;
Women, juniors: up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, SV 70 kg;

Each participant has the right to speak in specific competitions in only one weight category. It is allowed to perform in another weight category only in team competitions (relay) subject to re -weighing.

Before starting the competition (for a day), applications for participation in competitions are submitted to the Main Referee (Secretariat), where a mandate commission for the admission of participants and teams for competitions is held.
During the Mandate Commission, the final composition of participants in weight categories is determined. The cards of the participants are filled out in which information about athletes should be indicated: surname, name, year of birth, sports title, weight category, territory, DSO, department, best results, full name Coach.
The application must be certified by the head of the sports organization and doctor of the VFD.

The procedure for weighing the participants

2.1. Weighing the participants is carried out 2 hours before the start of the competition and lasts 1 hour. Participants speaking in team competitions (relay) are allowed to participate in the results of weighing in individual competitions.

2.2. Weighing is carried out in a specially designated room for this purpose. When weighing, it is permitted to be present to members of the Main Judicial Collegium, one officially representative from each team.

2.3. Weighing the participants is carried out by judges ensuring the judges of the competition in this weight category.

2.4. Participants are weighed naked or in swimming trunks. Each participant is weighed once. For repeated weighing, the participant is allowed whose own weight does not correspond to the weight category during initial weighing. Women and girls are weighed only in the presence of women – judges.

2.5. When passing the mandate commission, or during weighing, the draw of participants is carried out to determine the priority of access to the platform, and a technical application is submitted.

2.6. The main judicial board is allowed to form the final group of the strongest athletes (group A) and teams (in team competitions) following the results of performances in recent competitions:
– current year;
– The previous year.

The champion of Russia or the winner of the Russian championships and the 2nd winners are at 3 and 4 platforms.

The rights and obligations of the participant

2.7. The participant has the right to apply to the Main Judicial Collegium for all issues only through a team representative or judge with participants;

2.8. The participant has the right to prepare weights to prepare the exercise before calling to the platform. Preparation of weights is carried out in a place allotted for this purpose. In the preparation of weights and hands, it is allowed to use only magnesia.

2.9. The participant has the right to be a representative of an enterprise or a company for advertising its products. The participant or representative of the team must notify the organization conducting the competition, the main judicial collegium and receive permission for this.

2.10. The participant is obliged to know the rules of the competition and the regulations on the competition.

2.11. In case of violation of the rules and the procedure for conducting competitions, a warning is made to the participant. In case of repeated violation, he by the decision of the Main Judicial College (Jury) can be removed from the competition.

2.12. The participant is obliged to strictly observe discipline, be correct in relation to other participants, as well as to the audience and judges. A participant who has not appeared on the performance is not allowed to the competition. Participants who have taken prizes are required to reward in ceremonial sports uniform. Athletes who have not appeared for awarding are removed from the competition, lose their awards and do not bring test points to the team.

2.13. The participant prepares and performs with the weights installed on the platform on which he should go.

2.14. The participant is prohibited from using any devices that facilitate the rise of weights (weights).

2.15. A participant is forbidden to talk during the exercises and approach the judge on the platform after performing the exercise.

2.16. A participant who, due to health reasons, is removed by a doctor in one type of program, is not allowed to further participate in these competitions.

The form of athletes

Athletes are required to act in a form that should be clean, elegant and meet the following criteria:
– the costume can consist of one or two parts, but must completely cover the athlete's body;
– Sports or bicycle cowards, heavy -theatlettic cores should not close the knee joints;
– T -shirt should be without a collar and not close the elbow joints;
– It is allowed to use a heavy -theater belt, not more than 12 cm wide, with bandages of not more than 1.5 m long. The width of the bandages on the wrist should be no more than 10 cm, on the knees – no more than 25 cm. It is allowed to use kneels and bandages. The belt cannot be worn under a competitive costume;
– Sports shoes can be arbitrary.

Representatives and captains of the teams

2.17. Each organization participating in personal-command and team competitions should have its own representative.

2.18. The representative is the leader of the team, is fully responsible for the organization of the participants, and ensures their timely appearance for competitions and awarding in sports form according to the rules of the competition.

2.19. The representative is present when weighing the participants of his team and draw, as well as at meetings of the judicial board, if they are held with representatives.

2.20. Representatives, trainers and participants are prohibited from being during the performance of participants in the competition zone. Representatives should be at a place specially designated for representatives or among the participants of their team.

2.21. The representative is forbidden to intervene at the orders of judges and persons conducting competitions. The representative has the right to submit statements and protests to the judicial collegium regarding only the participants of his team.
Protests are submitted before the next shift of the participants.

2.22. If the participants of any team do not have a representative, his duties are performed by the team captain.

3. Equipment and inventory

3.1. Competitions are held on platforms in size at least 1.5 x 1.5 m. The distance between the platforms should ensure safety and not interfere with the competitive process.

3.2. The weight of the weights should not deviate from the nominal by more than 100 grams.

3.3. Parameters and color of weights:

– Height – 280 mm
– body diameter 210 mm
– handle diameter 35 mm

16 kg – yellow
24 kg – green
32 kg – red

3.4. A judicial alarm must be established for conducting an account and information.

3.5. Before starting the competition, an act should be drawn up for the compliance of equipment and equipment with the rules of competition.

Warm hall

3.6. To prepare for the competition, athletes must be provided with a warm -up hall located next to the venue of the competition. There should be a sufficient number of platforms, weights, magnesia, etc. in the warm -up hall. In accordance with the number of participants.
In addition, the warm -up hall should have the following equipment – loudspeakers attached to the speaker's microphone; scoreboard (duplicate protocols) showing the names of the participants in the order of the draw, their own weight and teams; Table for the doctor on duty.

4. Judicial board

4.1. The judicial board is equipped with an organization conducting these competitions.

4.2. The judges of the judicial board includes:
-during competitions with the number of participants up to 20 people: the chief judge, chief secretary, doctor, judge-faculty (for each platform), judge on the duplicate protocol, secretary, judge-informant, judge with participants, technical controller;
– When conducting competitions with the number of participants, 20 people, as well as during competitions at once on several platforms, are additionally introduced by the deputy chief judge and, accordingly, the number of other judges increases.

4.3. The judge for weight sports is obliged to know the real rules firmly and be able to
Apply them during the competition.
It should be objective and fundamental in its decisions, being an example of discipline, organization and clarity in work, it is good to know the situation about the competitions.

4.4. Judges should have a single form of clothing: a dark jacket and black trousers.

4.5. For economic support, the organization conducting the competition allocates at the disposal of the judicial board of the commandant of the competition.

Home Judicial Collegium

4.6. The main judicial board includes the chief judge, his deputy and chief secretary

4.7. The jury is elected from the judges of the judicial board, which is headed by the chief judge of the competition.

4.8. The jury includes the chief judge and up to five jury members with the highest category. The composition of the jury is determined by the main judicial board.

Rights and obligations of the Main Refereeing Collegium (jury)

– monitor the proper competition in accordance with the rules
and the regulations about the competition
– He makes statements and protests and makes decisions on them.
– For the period of analysis of the protest of the competition, they are suspended. At the All -Russian competitions for objective decision -making on protests, a video of the speeches of athletes is used.
– removes from the work of judges who made gross mistakes or made rudeness
in relation to participants, other judges, representatives, coaches
– makes changes to the schedule of the competition, if the need arose

Note: the main judicial board (jury) does not have the right to change the conditions of competition established by the Regulation.
All decisions are the main judicial board (jury) by a majority vote.

Chief judge and his deputies

4.9. The chief judge leads the work of the judicial board and is responsible to the organization conducting the competition for a clear organization, discipline and security of the competition, creating equal conditions for all participants, strict observance of existing rules, objectivity of refereeing, calculating the results and summing up the results of the competition.

4.10. The chief judge is obliged:
– Before the start of the competition, hold a meeting of the judicial board and a seminar with representatives according to the rules of the competition, as well as check the availability
appropriate inventory and equipment
– determine the order of work of the judicial board and judicial brigades
– lead the course of the competition and solve the emerging issues
– exercise control over the work of judges during the competition and when determining
– accept the applications and protests received for discussion
-submit a written report and the necessary documentation to the organization conducting the competition within 5 days
– appoint and hold meetings of the judicial board during the competition

4.11. The deputy chief judge is guided by the instructions of the chief judge, in the absence of the latter he performs his duties.

The main secretary of the competition

4.12. Chief Secretary:
– prepares the necessary technical documentation and is responsible for the correctness of its design
– draws up the minutes of the meetings of the judicial board and draws up orders and decisions of the chief judge
-With the permission of the chief judge, it gives information about the competition of the judicial-former, representatives of the teams and correspondents
– draws up acts on the establishment of records
– processes all the documentation of the competition
– presents the head judge with the necessary materials for the report
– keeps records and fixes decisions on protests

The judge is on the platform

4.13. Judge on the platform:
– conducts the weighing of participants in the weight category, the refereeing of which he carries out
-He monitors the appearance and shape of the clothing of each participant and has the right to prevent the participant for performing the exercise due to the inconsistency of the form of clothing and the application by the member of the funds prohibited by the rules of the competition. After the participant eliminates the comments, the judge gives the Start command and the participant performs the exercise in the time remaining up to 10 minutes.
– loudly and clearly announces the account of correctly executed lifts
– fixes technically incorrectly executed ascents with the command do not count
– loudly announces the final result of the participant in each exercise

Note: two judges are appointed at the championships and championships of Russia, all -Russian competitions for each platform, one of whom is senior and keeps an account. His assistant fixes the rises and maintains a protocol. The final result is determined by the joint decision of the two judges.

4.14. Secretary:
– fills out cards of participants on weighing (weighing protocol) and a protocol of competitions on the platform of this weight category
– calls the participants to the platform and warns about the need to prepare the next participants

Judge is an informant

4.15. Judge-informant:
– announces decisions, orders of the main judicial board
– informs the audience and participants about the results of the competition

Judge with the participants

4.16. Judge with the participants:
– checks on the lists the turnout of the competition participants, as well as the compliance of their costumes with the requirements of the competition rules and reports to the chief secretary the results of the audit
– Conducts construction and displays the participants of the competition according to the lot to represent and perform exercises
– timely warns the participants about calling them to the platform
– informs the secretary about the failure to appear the participant or the refusal to participate in the competition
– is an intermediary between participants and the judicial collegium

Technical controller

4.17. Technical controller:
– Together with the deputy chief judge, the weighting of the weights and draws up an act on their compliance with the rules of the competition;
– controls the technical condition of weights and equipment;
– monitors the procedure for preparing weights and hands;
– is present on weighing and helps the leading secretary of the competition when establishing the personality of athletes, as well as their name and surname, participants' weight, etc.
-checks competitive plates, scales, electronic judges, chronometers, a warm-up room, the presence of 2 video cameras and other objects in competitions;
– checks the correctness of the form of judges;
– It ensures that, while athletes are on the platforms, no one, including the technical controller, was there (before the eyes of the public and television cameras).

Competition doctor

4.18. The competition doctor is part of the judicial board on the rights of the deputy chief judge for the medical unit

4.19. Competition doctor:
– checks the presence of a doctor's visa in applications for the admission of participants for competitions
– carries out medical monitoring of participants when weighing and during the competition
-monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions during competitions, places of residence and food
– provides medical care for injuries or diseases
competition participants, determines the possibility of their further performance
– agrees with the chief judge the issue of removing the participant, gives a written conclusion about the reasons for its withdrawal
-after the end of the competition submits to the chief judge a report on health care

The commandant of the competition

4.20. The commandant of the competition is responsible for the timely preparation of the inventory (platforms, weights, scales, etc. Inventory), places of competitions, places for participants, representatives, judges, and presses.
Provides the parade of participants with technical means and attributes, performs the instructions of the chief judge and representative of the organization conducting the competition.

5. Rules for performing exercises

General provisions

5.1. 2 minutes before the start of the exercise, the participant is invited to the performance. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted: sec. During which the participant is obliged to reach the platform, after which the Start command is submitted. After the Start command, the participant must start performing exercises: impetus or jerk. When a participant in the weight (weight) from the platform to the Start team, the senior judge gives the command “Stop, put the weight (weight) on the platform and start the exercise”.

5.2. A participant who is late at the platform by the time of the start is not allowed to the competition

5.3. To perform the exercise, the participant is given the time of 10 minutes. The Secretary Judge announces the control time every minute. After 9 minutes, the control time is announced after 30 seconds., 50 seconds, the last 5 seconds, every second.

5.4. After 10 minutes, the Stop command is submitted, after which the climbs are not counted, and the participant is obliged to stop performing the exercise.

5.5. Each correctly executed lift is accompanied by a judge’s account on the platform.The judge announces an account as soon as all parts of the athlete's body become motionless.

5.6. In case of violation of the requirements for the technical performance of the exercise, the judge on the platform gives the commands “not to count”, “stop”.

5.7. When leaving the platform when performing exercises, i.e. Touching any part of the space outside the platform is supplied to the Stop command.

5.8. An athlete who cannot fully straighten his elbows due to natural deviations should inform the judges on the platform and the jury before starting the exercises.

5.9. The push is made from the starting position: the weights are fixed on the chest, the shoulders are pressed to the body, the legs are straightened.
At the time of fixation, the weights in the upper position of the arms, torso and legs should be straightened. The athlete's hands should be on the front plane of the head. Legs and weights should be on the same line parallel to the plane of the body. After fixing in the upper position and the judge’s account, the participant puts the weight in the starting position with an arbitrary way.
Important note:
Fixation – emphasized, visible stop of weights and athlete.

5.10. The Stop team is submitted at:
– lowering weights (weights) from the chest to the position of the hang;
– setting weights (weights) on the shoulder joints, with a clear stop for relaxation

Important note:
Continuous lowering of weights over the shoulders (rental) is not a mistake.

5.12. The push of the 2nd weights from the chest, followed by lowering to the hanging position after each lift (according to the long cycle) is carried out according to the same rules, but the Stop command is submitted when setting weights to the platform.
Note: the stop of the weights at the next sample is not considered a mistake in the Visa position, provided that the weights and hands do not touch the legs and torso.

5.13. The exercise is performed in one appointment. The participant must with a continuous movement raise the weight upside down and fix it. At the time of fixation of the weight in the upper position, the arm, legs and body should be straightened. The athlete’s hand should be on the front plane of the head. Bending and twisting the body, bending in the hip joint is not allowed. After fixing at the top, the participant, without touching the weight
The torso and shoulder, lowering it down to perform the next rise.

5.14. Hand shift is made once in an arbitrary way. When lowering the weights on the shoulder, during the jerk of the first hand, the “shift” command is served.

5.15. The Stop command is submitted at:
– setting weights on the shoulder when jerking with the second hand;
– Setting weights on the platform.

Note: A random touch of the platform with a swing is not considered a mistake. The stop of the weight at the bottom at the next swing is not considered a mistake, provided that the hand and the weight do not touch the legs and torso.

Team competitions (relay races)

5.17. The weight of weights (weights), exercise, temporary factor, the number of stages is determined by the regulations of competitions.

5.18. Performing exercises is carried out according to general rules.

5.19. Performing exercises in stages begins with light weight categories.

5.20. The participant is allowed to act only at one stage

5.21. The procedure for conducting the relay:
– Before the start of the relay, participants line up on the performance by teams, by stages. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted: 5,4,3,2,1 after which the Start command is submitted to participants in the first stage.
– 15 seconds before the start of the next stage, the judge with the participants withdraws the following athletes.
– 5 seconds before the end of the next stage, the control time is counted: 5.4,3,2,1
– The transmission of the relay is made at the command Change. The participant who ended the stage must put the weights on the platform
– a participant in the previous stage, which recorded the weights after the “Change” team for the next stage, the climbs are not counted
– the account is held in total with an increase
– The team – the winner is determined by the largest amount of rise.
– with the equality of the number of rise in two or more teams, the advantage is gained by a team having a lower own weight of the participants

6. Registration of records and higher achievements

Russia's records and the highest achievements among boys, juniors, youth and veterans are recorded only at competitions included in the calendar plan of sports events of the VFGS. The judicial board should have at least 3 judges of the republican category.

From 2018 to 2021, the following sports titles and categories of weight sports are operating.

Classic biathlon in men

VK (kg) MSMK
1 st.
2 st.
3 st.
1 young.
2 Yun.
3 Yun.
48 110 75 50
53 120 85 55
58 90 70 50 130 95 60
63 192 126 75 100 80 60 140 105 65
68 210 146 83 110 90 65 150 110 70
73 222 162 95 120 95 70 160 120 75
73+ 170 125 80
78 130 105 80
85 234 178 117 140 110 85
85+ 246 190 126 160 130 100

Push in DC in men

VK (kg) MSMK
1 st.
2 st.
3 st.
1 young.
2 Yun.
3 Yun.
48 40 35 30
53 48 42 36
58 55 45 35 55 48 40
63 59 44 35 60 49 39 61 51 42
68 72 56 45 65 54 43 66 56 46
73 76 62 48 70 58 46 71 61 51
73+ 74 64 54
78 74 62 50
85 82 69 55 79 66 54
85+ 88 75 58 90 75 60

Acquisition of DC in women

VK (kg) MSMK
1 st.
2 st.
3 st.
63 59 44 35 60 49 39
63+ 72 56 45 65 54 43

A jerk of women

VK (kg) MSMK
1 st.
2 st.
3 st.
1 young.
2 Yun.
3 Yun.
48 80 60 45 43 33 23
53 90 70 50 45 35 25
58 100 80 60 55 45 35
63 159 126 73 110 90 70 65 55 45
63+ 181 146 86 125 100 85 75 65 55

Conditions of account from the judge and the offset of ups in a classic push

The classic push is performed by two weights. 10 minutes of time are allocated for the exercise. The athlete, after he took the weights from the platform, can no longer put them on the floor. After the weightlifter put the weights on the platform, the judge finishes the score. After pushing the weights from the chest in the upper position, the legs and arms should be straightened, there should be a visible fixation, the head should look straight – after that the judge’s account occurs. When the weights are found on the chest, it is forbidden to tear off the hands from the body, it is also forbidden to put the weights on the shoulders. If the weights fell from the chest, then the “Stop” command occurs from the judge.

Conditions for the offset of lifting in the exercise jerk

Conditions of the account from the judge and the offset of the lifting in the push on the long cycle

The impetus for a long cycle is also performed by two weights. 10 minutes of time are allocated for the exercise. The athlete, after he took the weights from the platform, can no longer put them on the floor. After the weightlifter put the weights on the platform, the judge finishes the score.One climb is an casting with subsequent pushing (considered for 1 point). After pushing the weights from the chest in the upper position, the legs and arms should be straightened, there should be visible fixation – after that the judge account occurs. When the weights are found on the chest, it is forbidden to tear off the hands from the body, it is also forbidden to put the weights on the shoulders. After resetting the weights from above, the subsequent casting of weights on the chest occurs, while it is forbidden to stop the weights below and touch the weight of the platform. If the weight applies to the platform, then the “stop” command occurs from the judge (if it is just a chirk, then the “stop” command will not follow).

Weight of weights

Competitions in Russia are held with weights weighing 16, 24 and 32 kg. In men, for youthful discharges of weights weighing 16 kg, for adult discharges weighing 24kg, and on the CCM and above the weight of 32kg. In girls, adult discharges are performed with weights weighing 16 kg, and CCM and higher with weights weighing 24kg.

Disadvantages of the title system

What are the disadvantages of this system of assignment of sports titles. The gap between the weights of the weight is simply huge. An athlete who performs 1 adult category immediately begins to try to raise weights weighing 32 kg, although for good he needs to be brought up for years. Naturally, no one has been waiting for years. Hence all the errors in technology and all injuries B – from the ill -conceived system of assignment of sports discharges, from the too early transition of athletes to heavy weights.

Giree sport appeared at the end of the forties of the last century. During this time, some changes were made to the sport. Although for a long time he was considered purely male, over time women and girls joined him. Thanks to this sport, the direction appeared as a weighty fitness, and there were even more amateurs among women.


Giree sport is a cyclic sports discipline aimed at fulfilling standards with weights (one or two) maximum number of repetitions over a certain time, for men and women there are certain requirements and differences in the weight of the shells. All exercises are performed standing. The International Union of Diped Sports has 56 federations around the world.

According to the strength of the power biases for men, weights weighing 16, 24 and 32 kg are used. With power juggling by women and boys from the age of 11, weights of 8 kg are used.

Pros of weight sports

  • First of all, discipline develops strength endurance.
  • A multiple repetition of the standard for a certain time helps to improve speed qualities, coordination.
  • Sport improves the quality of not only skeletal muscles, but also the heart muscle.
  • Blood circulation improves, vascular elasticity increases, which allows us to normalize blood pressure in healthy people.
  • Also, multi -vanity exercises of weight sports allow you to develop and maintain joint mobility, provided that the proper technique of exercise is preserved.


  • Traumatic.
  • The weight sports program contains few disciplines.
  • A meager choice of exercises.

What muscles work

In many other areas for the development of endurance and functionality of the body, almost all muscle groups work in many other areas. Deltoid muscles, trapezoids, muscles of the back, abdomen, as well as legs and buttocks are subjected to a special load.

Deep muscles also work that can more often train with static stress. Often, stabilizer muscles work in those exercises where inertia is used. To undermine and jerk of weights, the help of buttocks, quadriceps, and the press is necessary, in order to throw the shell without a special connection of the shoulder muscles by inertia.

Rules for weighty sports

Disciplines in men

The mandatory program for men includes two disciplines:

  • Dvivate – And with the change of hands without a break.
  • The push of two weights along a long cycle with a short descent of weights.

The program of weighty sports for women includes only a jerk.

Approaches and repetitions in weight sports

All exercises are performed the maximum number of repetitions for ten minutes.

Also, the program of weighty sports includes power juggling, where not only men and women, but also boys and girls take part.

Men and women in competitions are divided into weight categories. Men and boys perform a juggling program with a weight of 12-16 kg, depending on age, and women and girls with a weight weighing 8 kg.

Equipment for weighty sports

Sports equipment plays an important role in preparation and performance in competitions. Correct clothes and shoes reduces the possibility of injuries to zero, also helps to easier and safely perform exercises. Mandatory attributes of equipment approved by the rules of weight sports:

  • Shoes are rods. Special shoes of the barlings came to weighty sport. The rods are made of dense leather with lacing along the entire length, capable of fixing the ankle joint in a fixed position, avoiding dislocations. There is also a heel 2 cm.

  • Weightlifting belt. A wide leather belt (no more than 12 cm in width) is able to fix the lumbar spine and avoid injury and deflection in the lower back.

  • T -shirt and bicycles. T -shirt should not close the elbow joints, so the sleeve should be higher than the elbow by 10 cm (according to the rules of weight sports). Bicycles should also make it possible to view the fixation of the knee joints.

They asked to tell a little about what they are at all. I'll try to tell the most basic information. Maybe someone from the fitness category, which, we are mostly engaged, will want to go to weights as sports discipline.

In guide sports competitions, 3 exercises are performed – a jerk, a push and a push in a long cycle. As a rule, the impetus for a long cycle is carried out by a separate event.Thus, the most common type of competition is a jerk+push. This is called biathlon. Women do not make impetus and usually do not even train. Only a jerk remains for them.

Girls do not do this 🙂

For each exercise it stands out for 10 minutes. During this time, you need to do as many repetitions as possible. The impetus is made with 2 weights, a jerk with one. There is quite a lot of time between the jerk and the push, because the participants first perform the push, then the athletes wait until all the athletes make it, and only then does the stage of jerk begin.

According to my observations at the Moscow Cup, it turned out that for a jerk about half of the participants did not use all 10 minutes and are left earlier due to fatigue.

Insurance is needed to participate in the competitions – suddenly something will go wrong. It is inexpensive, it is done for a year. It is called the sports policy, I made for 225 rubles. From the injuries that were in these competitions are torn corns and nails. The latter can be in the push with two weights, when two weights fall on the chest and, if not to put fingers, then they just fall between the two 32-kg weights that are lowered very quickly.

The doctor is on duty

Before the start of the competition, participants come early, registered and weighed. Then everyone is divided into groups of 6 people. That is how many platforms are facing the judges. Groups are formed according to weight categories – they do not put “heavy” with “light” ones at the same time. One place often remains for an open platform, which I will talk about below. Competitions begin with the lightest weight categories and end in the most difficult. Before going to the platform, everyone is given time for warm -up.

Warm up for width

The judge sits before each participant, considers repetitions and makes sure that there are no violations. The participant himself sees his repetitions on the board of the judicial table. For example, from violations in a jerk, due to which they can withdraw from the competition, these points are not allowed:
. You can not touch the body with your hand
. You can do only one thief interception
. You can’t do a max with a weight, if suddenly there was not enough strength to a jerk – each repetition should be a jerk

Open platform

An open platform gives a chance to perform at competitions almost anyone. If you do not feel the strength to compete with 32 weights (and men only perform with it) or with 24 kg for women, then you can stand on the platform next to competing, but not to compete with them, but with yourself. For example, to get a discharge. So, in order to obtain adults 1, 2 and 3 categories for men, you need to fulfill the standard with 24 kg of weights, for women – 16 kg. If anyone wants to swing the CCM and above, then there are only 32 for men and 24 kg for women.

A man on the left appears on an open platform – he has a weight of 24 kg, the rest – 32 kg.

Standards and discharges

In 2014, new standards were introduced. Glasses in the biathlon are considered like this: for each impetus they give one point, for each jerk – half the point.

I did not find any updates on the standards on the websites of the kettlebell federations – I give a link to the previous ones that were in force until 2013. The new standards will be slightly higher than the previous ones.

There are many weight categories in kettlebell lifting, so according to the results of performances, quite a lot of gold medalists are obtained – each in his own category. Accordingly, also for silver and bronze. Gradation goes every 5 kg: 58-63, 63-68, 68-73 and so on up to 105.

There are also junior categories (this is up to 22 years old). And, for example, it may turn out that a junior performs together with everyone, takes, say, 5th place. But, since there is also a separate age category for him, he can become a champion in it if the other juniors performed even worse.

Final photo of the winners.

Competition calendar

Competitions in your region can be viewed on the website of your local federation. Calendar of all-Russian competitions. The main Moscow competitions will be in May and December. Details.

The program of competitions in the traditional disciplines of power extreme necessarily includes lifting and pressing the world-famous Dikul kettlebell. According to various sources, the weight of this kettlebell ranges from 80 to 85 kg. It is considered nominal, since its creator is the famous Russian healer, academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul.

At competitions, Dikul's kettlebell weighing 82 kg is cast. They paint it in gold color to emphasize the value for athletes and strongmen. Few powerlifters can lift it with one arm, let alone press it multiple times.

A bit of history

The boy Valentin Dikul was born in Kaunas, Lithuanian SSR. It happened on April 3, 1948. He did not know his father, and he lost his mother at the age of 7. The boy was raised by his grandmother, who later gave him up for education in an orphanage. From a young age, Valentin fell in love with the circus, helped in the preparation of circus performances, and cleaned the arena after performances. From the age of ten, watching acrobats and gymnasts, he fell in love with strength exercises. Soon, with pleasure, he got involved in the work and began to lift weights and balls, do acrobatics and gymnastics.

Fate smiled at him, and, seeing the teenager's extraordinary desire for the circus, he was taken to the troupe of circus artists as an aerialist. But soon a terrible tragedy happened. In 1962, Valentin Dikul, during a performance in Kaunas, becomes the victim of an accident. During a high-altitude performance at the Sports Palace, a steel bar bursts. From a 13-meter height, the fall was so rapid that, even knowing how to group in case of a fall, the athlete simply did not have time to do it.

Exhausting struggle with the disease

In the fall, Valentin receives a serious injury to the skull, spine and ten fractures of the remaining bones. A week in intensive care and three months of struggle for life in the hospital did not give positive results.All the doctors have experienced the remaining years of life to the young patient in a wheelchair. They just did not take into account the extreme desire to get to the feet and will of the will of the guy.

Also in the hospital, exhausting training began. Studying literature on anatomy and biomechanics, he came up with exercises for developing the muscles of the legs, using first ropes, and then block structures with weights collected by friends.

Six long years of the persistence of Valentin Dikul did not bring visible results. But then he felt life in his feet. This made him triple efforts and, after 7 months of intensified training, the legs began to act. Since then, he not only got up and went, but thanks to work and lifting the weights became the strongest athlete.

Since Dikul got to his feet, his healer's career began. He helped not only to stand on his feet, but also to thousands of sick, crippled people gave hope for recovery. I created a set of exercises to restore muscle mobility and joints.

Sports career

Love for the circus lived in the soul of Dikul all the time of a forced stop. After rehabilitation, standing on his feet, he returns to the arena, but already as a power juggler. The numbers with tossing balls weighing 45 kg, raising rods, people and cars were watched by millions of people around the world. But the invented by the gyroy of the wild weighing 80 kg is still considered unique.

His ability to toss one hand entered the Guinness Book of Records. Since then, many powerlifting competitions have in their program to raise and bench press such an unusual weight. It is considered the highest aerobatics to make jerks with gold weight. Its raising is included in the traditional disciplines of power extreme.

How much does the gyroy of Dikul weigh?

In Moscow, every season on the birthday of Valentin Ivanovich Dikul, namely, on April 3, the tournament The strongest man is being held. The contest program includes raising the famous personalized weight, which the people's healer used all 48 years of his work in the circus. Weight weight – 80 kg.

The Federation of the strongest athletes of Russia included this shell in the competition of strong men. The task should be performed as follows: you need to raise the weight up the weight only with one hand. The rise is performed above the head of the technique of impetus, bench press or shwung. The movement is performed only along the long cycle (from the floor with one hand to the chest, then up).

The winner of the competition is the one who raised it more times. But not always the strongmen can raise such a severity at least once.

Russian bogatyrs

Giree sport in Russia has long been popular. Such a celebrity as the writer Leo Tolstoy and the fighter Ivan Poddubny loved to raise weights. But until the 19th century this was not considered sports. It was the entertainment and testing of the endurance of men at fairs and in circus performances. Such famous fighters of the past as Poddubny constantly performed gymnastics using weights.Of these exercises, the whole subsequently originated

Vladislav Kraevsky raised 32-kilogram weights 10 times, although he was already 60 years old. It is considered the creator of the St. Petersburg circle of athletics. The first book on training in work with weights also belongs to Russian Ivan Lebedev. His book Guide, how to develop his strength, practicing heavy weights was written in 1916. And his student wrote a textbook for athletes entitled Guine Sport in 1939.

Gyrevik athletes raise weight 8, 16, 32 kg. And only now, in the competitions of strong men, exercises with Dikul weights weighing 80 kg began to be used.

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