Sniping competitions ended at the training ground of the Sverdlovsk Training Center of the Central Department Store: the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Competitions were held in conditions of abnormal heat, which was established in Yekaterinburg – the air temperature reached +40 degrees.

Sniping competitions ended at the training ground of the Sverdlovsk Training Center of the CVO

100 years

The third Euro -Asian sniping championship – 2020 ended on the training base of the Central Military District. The competition was attended by military personnel and civilians.

In total, 50 participants from more than 30 cities of Russia were registered. Competitions were held in conditions of abnormal heat, which was established in Yekaterinburg – the air temperature reached +40 degrees. For two days of competitions, the participants performed over 25 different exercises at the shooting distance up to 1200 meters

Based on the results of the competitions in the absolute standings, the entrepreneur from Saratov took the first place, and in the nomination “Absolute Security among special forces” – the instructor of the sniper direction of the Russian University of Special Forces in the Chechen Republic Aslambek Arasanukaev.

Sniping is a new sports direction in military-applied sports. Sniping competitions are held taking into account the provisions of the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020”.

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