Sokol (Hokejaški Klub, Krasnojarsk)

Sokol (Hokejaški Klub, Krasnojarsk) Trenutnu Verziju Stranice Još Nisu Pregledali Iskusni saradnici sne značajno razlikovati verzije preigleDane 8. Dectimbra 20. Provjere zahtijevaju 6

Sokol (Hokejaški Klub, Krasnojarsk)

Trenutnu Verziju Stranice Još Nisu Pregledali Iskusni Saradnici I Može Se značajno razlikovati verzije Pregledane 8. Decembra 2020.; Provjere zahtijevaju 6 uređivanja.

Trenutnu Verziju Stranice Još Nisu Pregledali Iskusni Saradnici I Može Se značajno razlikovati verzije Pregledane 8. Decembra 2020.; Provjere zahtijevaju 6 uređivanja.

HC Sokol Krasnojarsk
1977-1997, 2003-2009-Fly Ice Palace;
Drhesava Rusija
Town Krasnojarsk
Osnovan 1973
Bivša Imena do 1995. – Falcon
do 1997. – Energetika
Nadimci krilati , Pernati , Sokolovi
DOMAWAA Arena Platinum Arena Krasnojarsk (7000)
Hokejaška Liga VHL
GLAVNI Trener Andrej nikišov v.d
Direktor Denis Lugovik
Kapetane Dmitry Tsyganov
IDGC Sibira
Tele2 rusija
Pridruženi klubovi Krasnojarski Ris (VHL-B)
Biryusa (ženska hokejaška liga)
Službena Stranica
Trenutna Sezona

Hokejaški Klub Sokol Krasnojarsk – Hokejaški Tim Iz Grada Krasnojarska. OD Sezone 2011/2012 igra u vhl-u.


  • 1 istorija
  • 1.1 Start
  • 1.2 Druga Liga SSSR-A
  • 1.4 Energija
  • 1.5 Preporod u prvoj ligi
  • 1.5.1 Sezona 2003/2004
  • 1.5.2 Sezona 2004/2005
  • 1.5.3 Sezona 2005/2006
  • 1.5.4 Sezona 2006/2007
  • 1.5.5 Sezona 2007/2008
  • 1.5.6 Sezona 2008/2009
  • 1.5.7 Sezona 2009/2010
  • 1.5.8 Sezona 2010/2011
  • 1.6.1 Sezona 2011/2012
  • 1.6.2 Sezona 2012/2013
  • 1.6.3 Sezona 2013/2014
  • 1.6.4 Sezona 2014/2015
  • 1.6.5 Sezona 2015/2016
  • 1.6.6 Sezona 2016/2017
  • 1.6.7 Sezona 2017/2018
  • 1.6.8 Sezona 2018/2019
  • 1.6.9 Sezona 2019/2020
  • 1.6.10 Sezona 2020/2021
  • 5.1. SVA Turnirska Dostignućau cjelokupnoj istoriji sokolskog kluba
  • 10.1 cjus Sokol



Hokejaški Klub Sokol Formira je 1973. Godalurško Fabrici u krasnojarsku, gde je tim organizova direktor preduzeća – aleksandar nikolajevičnault [1]. Valery Sizikhin Postao Je PRVI GLAVNI TRENER U Istoriji Tima Krasnoyarsk. Sokol Je Prvu Sezonu 1973/1974 Odigrao U Prvenstvu RSFSR U Zoni Sibira. U prvom kolu je zauze 1. mjesto pobijedivši u Pet Od Pet Susreta, a na finalnom turniru, nakon četiri post Pete, ponovo je zauzeo 1. mjesto i Prešao u drugu prvensr-a sssr- a.

Druga Liga SSSR-A

Svoju Drugu Sezonu 1974/1975 Golubovi SU Odigrali u Drugoj Ligi Šampionata SSSR- A U TREWOJ Zoni Klase B I Zaizeli 4. Mjesto Bez Plasmana Na Završni Turnir. Nakon Rezultata Sledeće Sezone 1975/1976 Sa Novim Trenerom M. Ovčinnikovom U Istoj Zoni, Krasnojarsk Je Ponovo Zauze 4. Mesto Bez Plasmana Na Završni Turnir. Od sezone 1976/1977 Vladimir Kolčin je počeo da trenira klub, a tokom svoje nove sezone Sokol je igrao na prvenstvu SSSR-a u četvrtoj zoni klase B, zauzevši 2. mesto u svojoj zoni, a na završnom turniru ptice zaobišle SU Sve I Zauzele Prvo Mjesto. Krajem Prošle Sezone, OD Nove Sezone 1977/1978, Klub Je Prešao U Klasu a Druge Lige, A TIM JE POOCEO DA Trenira Trener Genadij Kokorin. Klub Ima I Svoj Logo Sa Natpisom Falcon. TIM JE Igrao Domashe Utakmice u Novoizgrađenoj Ledenoj Palači Sokol. Prema Rezultama Prove Sezone U Klasi A, PTICE SU Zauzele Posljednje 15. Mjesto Na Tabeli Isto zone, Osvojivši Samo 16 Bodova. Po Rezultatima Naredne 1978/1979, “PTICE” SU Zauzele 6. Mjesto Na Tabeli Istočne Zone, Što Je Bio Napnosu Na Prethodinu Među “Pticama”. Godine 1979/1980 Krilati SU OSVOJILI Bronzane Medalje, A Uzoni 1980/1981 Falcon Je Postao Osvajač Srebrne Medalje Druge Prvensr-a U Zoni is is is is is is is istok . Ove Godine Krasnojarci Su Učestvovovali na Turniru Za Plasman U Prvu Ligu, a samo jedan bio dovoljan da sevaj zadatak izvrši. Najbolji igrači Krasnojarska te sezone bili su Vladimir Lazarev , Mihail Kulikov , Sergej Frolov, Aleksandar Elistratov (koji je ranije igrao za Resurrection Chemist i Sverdlovsk Avtomobilist), Mihail Bizjuk je činio čuda na golu. Prema Rezultatima Sezona 1981/1982 I 1982/1983, PTICE SU Zauzele 5. Mjesto Na Tabeli, a 1983/1984 – 4.Mjesto. U 1984/1985 Došlo Je Do Pogoršanja Rezultata – Falcon Je Bio 8. Za Sezonu 1985/1986, TIM JE Trenirao Bivši Krilati Sergej Grušicin, and na kraju sezone golubovi zausto zauseli nasa 6. Mestel na na gyazeli nas Uspešna je bila i sezona 1986/1987, Kada je novi trener, sergej Šabanov, Preuzeo dužnost Trenera Kluba. Ove Sezone Sokol Je Igrao u prvenstvu sssr-a u drugoj ligi u šestoj zoni. Na Kraju Sezone PTICE SU Zauzele 2. Mjesto u šestoj zoni. A U Drugom Kolu, Gdje SU Igrali Lideri I Šeste Zone, Zauzeli Su 3. Mjesto I Osvojili Bronzu (Ovo Je 9. Mjesto U Cijeloj Drugoj Ligi SSSR-A). 1987/1988 Krilati SU Igrali u Drugoj Ligi u četvrtoj zoni. Na Kraju Sezone PTICE SU Zauzele 3. Mjesto u četvrtoj zoni. I U Drugoj Fazi Za 7-16. Mjesta Zauzeli Su Posljednje 16. Mjesto. Godine 1988/1989, Sergej Grušicin Se Vratio U Tim Kao Glavni Trener. Na Kraju Sezone PTICE SU Zauzele 2. Mjesto u četvrtoj zoni druge Lige, a Na Prelaznom Turniru zauzele 8. mjesto na tabeli istočne zone. Na Kraju Sezone 1989/90 PTICE SU Zauzele 6. Mjesto, A 1990/1991. – 7. Mjesto. Posljednje Prvenstvo SSSR-A / ZND 1991/1992. hokejaši krasnojarska odigrali su Šokirano i završili na drugom mjestu u svojojojojalnoj istočnoj zoni, osvojivši srebrne na prvensne is zone. Te Sezone Je Sergej Karepov Postigao 33 Gola U 52 Utakmice ZA Krilne Protivnike.

Otvoreno Prvenstvo Rusije

NAKON RASPADA SSSR-A, Sokolsku Sezonu 1992/1993. Veutch je igrao u ruskom prvenstvu u prvoj ligi u zoni sibir-daleki istok. U PRVOJ Fazi, PTICE U Svojoj Zauzele Su 7. Mjesto, a U Drugoj – 5. Mjesto u svojoj zoni bez ulaska u Plej -off. U Sezoni 1993/1994, U Prvoj Etapi, PTICE SU Zauzele Tek 6. Mjesto U Svojoj Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok Bez Prolaska u Drugu Fazu. TIM IZ Krasnojarska Morao Je da Preskoči Sezonu 1994-95 Iz Finnsijskih Razloga.


Prije Početka Sezone 1995-96, Klub Je Preimenovan U Energia. Pod Vodstvom Trenera Sergeja Grušicina I Pod Novim Imenom, Tim Je Proveo Samo Dvije Sezone u prvenstevu rusije (Otvoreno prvenstvo rusije). ALI POSTO JE ENERGIA BILA OTVORENI AUTSAJDER ZONE SIBIR-DALEKI ISTOK, Stanovnici Krasnojarska Su Dva Puta Zauzeli Poslednje u svojoj zoni. Na Kraju Sezone 1996-97, Tim Je Raspušten, Jer Nije Bilo Finnsijskih Sredstava, Sponzora, Ni Interesovanja Publike Za Tim Sredinom 1990-ih. Praktično ne, a skoro Šest Godina u gradu na jeniseju navijači zaboravili na veliki hokej na ledu.

ISTE GODINE, Regionalni Hokejaški Timovi U Ačinsku (Metalurg), Podgornom (Fakel) I Norilsku (Zapoljarnik) Takođe SU PRESTALI DA POSTOOJE.

PrePorod U Prvoj Ligi

Novim datumom rođenja krasnojarskog hokejaša može se smatrati 2003. godina , kada su hokejaši Krasnojarska rođeni 1985. godine zauzeli četvrto mesto u Sibiru, štaviše, u utakmicama sa starijim rivalima. To je poslužilo kao svojevrsni poticaj za oživljavanje tima majstora regionalnog centra. Ekipa Je Počla Da Takmiči Na Tradicionalnom Sokolskom Klizalištu, Izabrane Su Boje Ekpe – Plava, Crvena I Bela. Sokol Je Počeo da Igra u prvoj ligi u sezoni 2003/2004 [2].

Sezona 2003/2004

Sergei bykhun, Bivši Trener Metalurga Ačinsk, Imenovan Je Za Glavnog Trenera. Kapiten Tima Iz Krasnojarska Bio Je Predvnik ŠKOLE HOKEJA U Irkutsku Aleksandar Vedernikov. Tim Je Igrao U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok, Zauze Je 6. Mjesto U Preliminarnoj Grupi, Au Drugom Kolu Zauzelo Je Konačno 4. Mjesto za 1-6 mjesta. Što Je Bio Nesumnjiv USPJEH, S OBZIROM DA JE EKIPA IGRALA U EKSPERIMENTALNOM SASTAVU. Najbolji Snajperist Tima Bio Je Pavel Jelčaninov, Koji Je Postigao 25 ​​Golova U 47 Utakmica.

Sezona 2004/2005

Sokol Je Ponovo Igrao U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok Prove I Kao Rezultat Toga Zauze 8. Mjesto U Svojoj Zoni, što nijuspješnija sezona za tim.

Sezona 2005/2006

Tim U Svojoj Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok Zauze Je 4. Mjesto. Do Bronze Je Nedostajalo Samo 5 Bodova. Yuriy Lavrenyuk Postao Je Najbolji Strijelac Krila (57 Poena). Postao Je I Najbolji Snajperist (28 Golova). Najbolji Asistent Bio Je Kapiten Ekipe Aleksandar Vedernikov (34 Asistencije).

Sezona 2006/2007

Prema Rezultatima Nove Sezone U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok, Krilati Su Zauzeli 5. Mjesto. Nakon Tri Sezone Rada Sa Krilatima, Sergej Bikhun Se Povukao.

Sezona 2007/2008

OD Nove Sezone Sokol Trenira Novi Trener – Vasilij Oleinik. Tim Je Igrao U Prvoj Ligi, U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok I Zauze Je 5. Mjesto I Plasirao Se U Doigravanje. Yury Lavrenyuk (18 Poena) Postao Je Najbolji Strijelac PTICA, Yury Lavrenyuk I Sergey SHADRIN SU POSTALI NAJBOLJI SNAJPERISTI (PO 9 Golova). Najbolji Asistenti Bili Su Jurij Lavrenjuk I Sergej Politov (9 Asistencija).

Međutim, veich u 1/8 finola krasnojarsk je izgubio od habarovska “amur-2” u tri utakmice (3: 2, 2: 3, 2: 4) i završio svoje nastupe.

Sezona 2008/2009

Nažalost, 26. oktobra 2008. dogodila se tuga ekipi – vođa i kapiten krilatih, rođeni napadač i učenik škole hokeja u Irkutsku, Jurij Lavrenjuk , preminuo je od tuberkuloze , imao je samo trideset godina [3 ] . Tim Je Igrao U Prvoj Ligi, U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok I Zauze Je 5. Mjesto I Plasirao Se U Doigravanje. Evgenij Makarov (34 Poena) Postao Je Najbolji Strijejelac Prvenstva ZA PTICE, A Postao JE I Najbolji Snajperist (22 GOLA). Najbolji Dodavač Bio je sergej čebotarevski (15 asistencija).

U četvrtfinalu je krasnojarsk savlada šahtjor prokopjevsk (3: 2, 3: 2). No, u Polufinalu Je Tim Iz Krasnojarska Stao Na Put Vympelu Mezhdurechensk, Koji Je u Ogorčenoj Borbi Pobijedio Golubove u četiri utakmice (2: 4, 4 …, 2: 3, 4: 4: 5 Bul.). U Mečevima Za 3. Mjesto Sokol Je Nadigrao Novokuznjeck Metallurg-2 (4: 4, 6: 1). Tako Je Sokol Osvojio Bronzane Medalje Na Prvenstvu Zone Sibir – Daleki Istok.

Sezona 2009/2010

Pred Sezonu, Krilati Su Prvi Put U Svojoj Istoriji Promenili Logo, Koji Je Ostao Nepromenjen Trideset I Dve Godine. Tradicionalna ikona letećeg sokola zamenjena je glavom pernate ptice i ispod Natpisa Soko. Tokom sezone, zbog vanrednog stanja na ledenom objektu, ekipa je morala da odustane od nastupa u sopstvenoj ledenoj areni „ Sokol “, a tokom renoviranja domaće arene, da svoje domaće utakmice igra u sportskom kompleksu „Fakel“ , koji se nalazi u selu Podgorny ( 30 KM OD KRASNOJARSKA). U Isto Vrijeme, Aktivno Je Počla Izgradnja Nov Dugo Očekivane Ledene Arene Za Dvije Hiljade I šest Stotina mjesta u krasnojarsku na području sjevernog stambenog područja. Tim Je Igrao U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok, GDE JE Zauze 4. Mesto I Plasirao Se U Polufinale Plej -Ofa. Najbolji Strijelac U Timu Bio Je Anton Emelin Sa 24 Poena, A Postao Je I Najbolji Snajperist Sa 13 Golova. Najbolji Asistent Bio Je Sergej čebotarevski Sa 13 Asistencija.

Međutim, u Polufinalu Je Tim Krasnojarska izgubio OD Useriysk Primorye u četiri utakmice (1: 5, 2: 0, 5: 6, 1: 6).

Sezona 2010/2011

U Vrijeme Rekonstrukcije L/D Sokol, Ekipa Je Sezonu Provela U Sportskom Kompleksu Fakel U Selu Podgorney. Tokom Ovog Perioda, Radi udobnosti navijača, iz krasnojarska je išao poseban autobus za podgorni. ISKUSNI GOLMAN BARNAUL Altai Vyacheslav Lisovets Pridružio Se Timu Krasnojarska Prije Sezone. Tim Je Igrao U Prvoj Ligi, U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok I Na Kraju Zauze 3. Mjesto. Najbolji Strijelac Tima Bio Je Ivan ždanov Sa 39 Poena. Postao Je I Najbolji Snajperist (22 Gola). Najbolji Asistenti Bili Su Jegor Bezrukih I Valentin Kopylov (18 Asistencija).

Tako Je, zahvaljujujujući divnom treneru vasiliju olejniku, sokol ponovo osvojio bronzane na Šampionatu Zone Sibir – Daleki Istok. Iako Su Do Prvog Mjesta Nedostajala Samo 2 Boda.

U vhl-u

DANA 31. Maja 2011. Godine na Generalnoj Skupštini Više Hokejaške Lige Odlučeno je da se primi na utakmice u višojajaško ligi (VHL). Tako Sokol OD Sezone 2011/2012 Igra u vhl-u, u drugoj najjačoj ligi zemlje (Nakon Khl-a). BUUURY DA je osnivač tima bila vlada krasnojarskog kraja, na sokolskim džemperima pojavio se grb teritorije.

Sezona 2011/2012

TIM U PRVOJ Sezoni U VHL -U POLEO JE DA Trenira – Aleksandar Glazkov, A ISKUSNI Defanzivac čeljabinska Mečel aleksej čikalin posta je kapiten tima krasnojarsk. PTICE SU Počele da igraju svoje doomaće utakmice na zatvorenom klizalištu pervomasky, koje je otvoreno u lenjinskom okrugu u krasnojarsku. A vech krajem decembra 2011. Sokol je odigrao prve MEčeve novom klizalištu, koje je upravo izgradila arena arena arena doomaáa arena kluba krasnojarska. PTICE SU IZGUBILE SVOJ PRVI DOMAHI MEč u Novoj Areni Od Rubina (2: 5).OD Nove Sezone Sokol Trenira Novi Trener – Vasilij Oleinik. Tim Je Igrao U Prvoj Ligi, U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok I Zauze Je 5. Mjesto I Plasirao Se U Doigravanje. Yury Lavrenyuk (18 Poena) Postao Je Najbolji Strijelac PTICA, Yury Lavrenyuk I Sergey SHADRIN SU POSTALI NAJBOLJI SNAJPERISTI (PO 9 Golova). Najbolji Asistenti Bili Su Jurij Lavrenjuk I Sergej Politov (9 Asistencija).

Međutim, veich u 1/8 finola krasnojarsk je izgubio od habarovska “amur-2” u tri utakmice (3: 2, 2: 3, 2: 4) i završio svoje nastupe.

Sezona 2008/2009

Nažalost, 26. oktobra 2008. dogodila se tuga ekipi – vođa i kapiten krilatih, rođeni napadač i učenik škole hokeja u Irkutsku, Jurij Lavrenjuk , preminuo je od tuberkuloze , imao je samo trideset godina [3 ] . Tim Je Igrao U Prvoj Ligi, U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok I Zauze Je 5. Mjesto I Plasirao Se U Doigravanje. Evgenij Makarov (34 Poena) Postao Je Najbolji Strijejelac Prvenstva ZA PTICE, A Postao JE I Najbolji Snajperist (22 GOLA). Najbolji Dodavač Bio je sergej čebotarevski (15 asistencija).

U četvrtfinalu je krasnojarsk savlada šahtjor prokopjevsk (3: 2, 3: 2). No, u Polufinalu Je Tim Iz Krasnojarska Stao Na Put Vympelu Mezhdurechensk, Koji Je u Ogorčenoj Borbi Pobijedio Golubove u četiri utakmice (2: 4, 4 …, 2: 3, 4: 4: 5 Bul.). U Mečevima Za 3. Mjesto Sokol Je Nadigrao Novokuznjeck Metallurg-2 (4: 4, 6: 1). Tako Je Sokol Osvojio Bronzane Medalje Na Prvenstvu Zone Sibir – Daleki Istok.

Sezona 2009/2010

Pred Sezonu, Krilati Su Prvi Put U Svojoj Istoriji Promenili Logo, Koji Je Ostao Nepromenjen Trideset I Dve Godine. Tradicionalna ikona letećeg sokola zamenjena je glavom pernate ptice i ispod Natpisa Soko. Tokom sezone, zbog vanrednog stanja na ledenom objektu, ekipa je morala da odustane od nastupa u sopstvenoj ledenoj areni „ Sokol “, a tokom renoviranja domaće arene, da svoje domaće utakmice igra u sportskom kompleksu „Fakel“ , koji se nalazi u selu Podgorny ( 30 KM OD KRASNOJARSKA). U Isto Vrijeme, Aktivno Je Počla Izgradnja Nov Dugo Očekivane Ledene Arene Za Dvije Hiljade I šest Stotina mjesta u krasnojarsku na području sjevernog stambenog područja. Tim Je Igrao U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok, GDE JE Zauze 4. Mesto I Plasirao Se U Polufinale Plej -Ofa. Najbolji Strijelac U Timu Bio Je Anton Emelin Sa 24 Poena, A Postao Je I Najbolji Snajperist Sa 13 Golova. Najbolji Asistent Bio Je Sergej čebotarevski Sa 13 Asistencija.

Međutim, u Polufinalu Je Tim Krasnojarska izgubio OD Useriysk Primorye u četiri utakmice (1: 5, 2: 0, 5: 6, 1: 6).

Sezona 2010/2011

U Vrijeme Rekonstrukcije L/D Sokol, Ekipa Je Sezonu Provela U Sportskom Kompleksu Fakel U Selu Podgorney. Tokom Ovog Perioda, Radi udobnosti navijača, iz krasnojarska je išao poseban autobus za podgorni. ISKUSNI GOLMAN BARNAUL Altai Vyacheslav Lisovets Pridružio Se Timu Krasnojarska Prije Sezone. Tim Je Igrao U Prvoj Ligi, U Zoni Sibir – Daleki Istok I Na Kraju Zauze 3. Mjesto. Najbolji Strijelac Tima Bio Je Ivan ždanov Sa 39 Poena. Postao Je I Najbolji Snajperist (22 Gola). Najbolji Asistenti Bili Su Jegor Bezrukih I Valentin Kopylov (18 Asistencija).

Tako Je, zahvaljujujujući divnom treneru vasiliju olejniku, sokol ponovo osvojio bronzane na Šampionatu Zone Sibir – Daleki Istok. Iako Su Do Prvog Mjesta Nedostajala Samo 2 Boda.

U vhl-u

DANA 31. Maja 2011. Godine na Generalnoj Skupštini Više Hokejaške Lige Odlučeno je da se primi na utakmice u višojajaško ligi (VHL). Tako Sokol OD Sezone 2011/2012 Igra u vhl-u, u drugoj najjačoj ligi zemlje (Nakon Khl-a). BUUURY DA je osnivač tima bila vlada krasnojarskog kraja, na sokolskim džemperima pojavio se grb teritorije.

Sezona 2011/2012

TIM U PRVOJ Sezoni U VHL -U POLEO JE DA Trenira – Aleksandar Glazkov, A ISKUSNI Defanzivac čeljabinska Mečel aleksej čikalin posta je kapiten tima krasnojarsk. PTICE SU Počele da igraju svoje doomaće utakmice na zatvorenom klizalištu pervomasky, koje je otvoreno u lenjinskom okrugu u krasnojarsku. A vech krajem decembra 2011. Sokol je odigrao prve MEčeve novom klizalištu, koje je upravo izgradila arena arena arena doomaáa arena kluba krasnojarska. PTICE SU IZGUBILE SVOJ PRVI DOMAHI MEč u Novoj Areni Od Rubina (2: 5).U Januaru 2012, GLAVNOG TRENERA KRASNOJARSKA ALEKSANDRA GLAZKOVA ZAMENIO JE VJAčeslav Dolišnja. U Februaru 2012. U Krasnojarsku, Na Centralnom Stadionu, Održan Je Ruski Klasik – VHL UTAKMICA NA OTVORENOM, U KOJOJ SU SASTALI SOKOL I JAROSLAVSKA LOKOMOTIVA, KOJA JE OHEVALA NAKE U svojoj debitantskoj sezoni u vhl-u, TIM IZ Krasnojarska Zauze Je 18. Mjesto OD 23 Tima I Nije Se Doigravanje. Najviše Poena u timu postigao je sergej sevastjanov – 28. Daniil Erdakov I dmitrij Pasenko Su Najbolji Snajperisti u Debitantskoj Sezoni – Po 14 Golova. Najbolji Asistent Bio Je Sergej Sevastjanov – 21 Asistencija. Najkorisniji igrači Tima Bili Su Pavel Kurdjukov, Aleksej Orlov, Dmitrij Kornejev (Svi Imaju Koeficijent +2).

Season 2012/2013

From the new season, the head coach of the Falcon was the Slovak coach Dushan Gregor (the first foreign coach in the history of the club). The goalkeepers were called to train the world champion, the best goalkeeper of the Moscow Art Theater 1992/1993, the 1993 World Champion Andrei Zuev. The composition of the Falcon also underwent changes. The team was replenished with famous Krasnoyarsk hockey players. Maxim Galanov returned to Krasnoyarsk (the former NHL player became the captain of the team) and Evgeny Isakov. During the 2012 Locauta in the NHL, the pupil of the Krasnoyarsk hockey Alexander Semin (two-time world champion in the Russian national team (2008, 2012) and in 2006-2012, the player “Washington Capitals”) held 4 matches for Sokol (in which he abandoned 2 Washers and made 2 assists). However, despite the help of such players, the Krasnoyarsk team graduated from the season only in 24th place out of 27 and again, as last season, did not get into the playoffs. The best scorer was Vyacheslav Karavdin – 29. Vyacheslav Karavdin and Dmitry Pasenko (14 goals) were the best snipers. The best assistant was Maxim Pervukhin – 16 programs. Evgeny Isakov (+4) was the most valuable player in Perenaty.

Season 2013/2014

The team in the new season began to train a domestic specialist – Andrei Martemyanov, and on June 4, 2013, Maxim Galanov, who completed the gaming career, became general manager of the club. The team finished the season in 16th place of 26 teams and for the first time in its history got into the “playoff play” of the Brother Cup. Daniil Yerdakov – 27 points (13 heads + 14 programs) became the best scorer, sniper and at the same time as an assistant. The most valuable player was Alexander Repia (+11).

However, already in the first round of the playoffs-1/8 finals of the Krasnoyarski were defeated in four games by the winner of the championship-the Neftekamsk Toros (0: 4, 2: 3, 0: 2, 1: 4).

  • Season 2014/2015
  • Before the start of the season, the Sokol signed an agreement with the Omsk Vanguard (KHL) on cooperation, according to which up to 10 people will be able to be included in the “Avangard”.The captain for the new season was chosen defender Artyom Nosov. Fans hoped to get into the playoffs and in the new season, however, the next season of the Winged was one of the worst. The team graduated from the championship in 22nd place out of 24 and remained far beyond the side of the playoffs. Maxim Kazakov (22 points) was the best scorer. He became the best sniper with 14 washers. The best assistants in the season are Maxim Korobov and Andrei Kruchinin (14 assists each). The most valuable player in the team was Ilya Seryogin (+8).
  • Season 2015/2016
  • On the eve of the season, the club’s leadership presented a new team logo: a traditional feathered head was replaced by an image of an aggressive bird, which tears a puck with sharp claws. Also, before the start of the season, the head coach was the Ukrainian specialist Alexander Glazyuk, however, due to the unsatisfactory performance of the team in the home series of games with the Zvezda and Buran teams, since November 2015, his assistant Igor Chibirev began to be performed by the duties of head coach. According to the results of the regular championship of 2015/16, Sokol took 18th place out of 26 teams and did not break into the playoffs again. Most of all points in the Winged season was scored by Ivan Gavrilenko (25 points). Andrei Maksimov and Sergey Barbashev (10 goals) were the leaders on the parse. Ivan Gavrilenko with 16 assists was the best assistant. The most valuable player of the season in the team was Maxim Topol (+5).

Season 2016/2017

Before the start of the season, Alexander Titov was appointed the new head coach of the Falcon, and the legendary Anatoly Stepanov came to the new team from the team. In June 2016, an agreement was signed with the Amur from the KHL that the Krasnoyarsk club in the new season will become the Khabarovsk Partner club. In accordance with the Treaty on Sports Cooperation, Amur will be able to send its players to the location of the Falcon during the season. The season 2016/17 “Feathered” began well, at first walking in the three leaders, but after the New Year holidays they distributed many points to the rivals and ended the regular championship in 9th place out of 26 teams, entering the “playoff play” of the Brother Cup. The best scorer, as well as, and at the same time the best sniper,And the best assistant at the “birds” according to the results of the 2016/17 championship was Anton Glovatsky scored 36 points (9 goals + 27 programs), he also became the most valuable player of the team (usefulness +8). In February 2017, four players of Sokola (Ilya Andryukhov, Andrey Shcherbov, Stanislav Khonskornikov and Dmitry Kirillov) became gold medalists in the Russian national team at the 2017 Universiade in Alma-Ata.

In the 1/8 finals of the playoffs in the stubborn series of matches from 7 meetings, “Perenators” lost to the Kurgan “Trans-Urals” (0: 3, 2: 1ot, 3: 0, 1: 2, 2: 3ot, 3: 2ot, 3: 2ot 0: 2).

Season 2017/2018

In the new season, Alexander Titov remained on the coaching bridge. After leaving for the coaching work, Anatoly Stepanov (became a coach for the physical training of the Krasnoryans), Nikita Bondarev became the new captain of the Falcon. The team was also strengthened by Alexander Semin, who had not found a place in the KHL, who already played for the Falcon in the 2012/2013 season (4 games) [4]. Also, before this season, the team extended the cooperation agreement with Amur for another season. Since November 2017, after Nikita Bondarev was departed to Buran, Stanislav Zabornikov became the new captain of Perenaty. In early December, Sokol terminated the contract with Semin, because Krasnoyarsk left for the ocean to pick up his wife with a newborn son [5]. However, Alexander returned in January 2018 and continued to play for the Falcon. In general, the “winged” went well in the championship, sometimes going in the five leaders. However, after the New Year, there was a decline in the game of the Krasnoyarsk residents, and the “winged” took 8th place in the championship, entering the playoffs. Vyacheslav Andryushchenko, the best scorer, as well as the best sniper at the “birds of 2017/18, became 44 points (25 goals + 19 programs), he also became the most valuable player of the team with Alexei Kozhevnikov (both for both of them utility +16). Vyacheslav Andryushchenko with 25 clogged washers became the best sniper of the 2017/18 season championship (together with Alexander Shevchenko from Dynamo St. Petersburg). The best assistant of Krasnoyarsk was Arthurs Ozolins – 21 goose gear.

In the 1/8 finals, the Falcon won a series with a score of 4-1 (1: 0ot, 4: 3, 3: 2ot, 1: 6, 4: 1) and for the first time in their history reached 1/4 Final VHL.However, in 1/4, Titov's wards lost to Neftyanik from Almetyevsk in four meetings (1:2 out, 1:4, 1:2, 3:4 out).

Season 2018/2019

The Krasnoyarsk team started the new season at the new Platinum Arena, just built for the Winter Universiade 2019, with a capacity of 7,000 seats. It was announced that Sokol would become the base team for the Russian national team at the upcoming Universiade [6] . Since most of the strong players left for other clubs (Semin to Vityaz, Glovatsky to Metallurg, Andryushchenko to Lada, Zabornnikov to Ugra), Dmitry Tsyganov, who plays the second season for the Feathered, became the new team captain. Alexander Titov remained the head coach of the team for the third consecutive season. Also, for the third consecutive season, Amur is a partner club of Krasnoyarsk. During the season, Krasnoyarsk residents, in addition to their main Platinum Arena, also played home matches at the brand new, 3,500-strong Crystal Arena specially built for the Universiade [7] . At the end of the season, the birds took 12th place in the championship (since this season, the official name is the Silk Road Cup [8]) and advanced to the playoffs of the Petrov Cup. According to the results of the 2018/19 championship, Krasnoyarsk's top scorer was captain Dmitry Tsyganov, who scored 24 points (8 goals + 16 assists), he also became the Falcons' best assistant. Maxim Maltsev became the best sniper with 12 goals in a season. Vyacheslav Shevchenko became the most valuable player of the Krasnoyarsk team (utility +15). In March 2019, five Sokol players also became the gold medalists of the Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk: Evgeny Kisilev, Ivan Krylov, Maxim Maltsev, Vladislav Misnikov and Vyacheslav Shevchenko [9] .

In the 1/8 finals of the Petrov Cup, the Krasnoyarsk team met with the Lada and defeated the Togliatti team in a series of up to three wins (0:2, 4:1, 3:2, 4:3 from) advancing to the next round. It is noteworthy that the Sokol spent the entire series with the Lada on the ice of the Lada Arena, because. all the arenas of Krasnoyarsk were occupied for the winter Universiade-2019. In the quarterfinals of the Petrov Cup, the “winged” met with the winner of the Silk Way Cup, St. Petersburg “SKA-Neva” and lost in five matches (0:2, 0:1, 1:4, 2:1ot, 0:3).

Based on the results of voting, fans identified the best players of the Falcon in the 2018-2019 season [10]: The best goalkeeper is Andrey Litvinov,

The best defender is Mikhail Churlyaev,

The best striker is Grigory Mishchenko,

The most valuable player is Dmitry Tsyganov.

Season 2019/2020

  • Immediately after the end of the 2018/2019 season, it became known that the new head coach of the Krasnoyarstsev will be Vladislav the Chromy, who replaced Alexander Titov, who went to Lada. One of the leaders of the “winged” past years – Anton Glovatsky returned to the team from Metallurg. Also, the Amur is the Krasnoyarsk Partner Club this season. The team again, like last season, uses two ice for the game – Platinum and Crystal Arena. The season began with 3 victories in 5 matches. And for the New Year holidays, the Krasnoyarsk residents went in 7th place in their conference. At the end of the regular championship, the Krasnoyarsk team took 4th place in its conference No. 2, showing a nice hockey and ahead of such strong groups as Saryarka and Neftyanik. The best scorer, as well as a sniper among the Krasnoyarsk residents, according to the results of the 2019/20 championship, was Alexei Knyazev, who scored 40 points (26 goals + 14 assists), and who rewrote the club of 25 goals belonging to Vyacheslav Andryushchenko. The best assistant of the team was the captain of Krasnoyarstsev Dmitry Tsyganov with 25 programs. The most valuable player of the Krasnoyarsk squad was Anton Glovatsky with a utility of +19. 1973-1979 );
  • In the 1/8 finals of the Petrov Cup, the Falcons met with the Kazan Bars and unfortunately lost in six matches (1: 3, 1: 2, 3: 3: 1, 2: 1, 2: 3ot, 2: 4). Although it seemed that the series was saved from 0-2 to 2-2. 1978-1977 );
  • Season 2020/2021 1973-1977 );
  • At the end of August, Sergey Rabtsun left the post of general director of the team, and Denis Lugovik came in his place, who was already the general director of the team in 2010-2015. Despite the departure from the team in the offseason of several players, Dmitry Tsyganov remained captain of the Krasnoyarsk. The team began the season with two victories and three defeats. However, already in September, due to the discovery among the players and coaches of the Covid-19 Sokol virus team, in full force, went to quarantine [11]. After leaving the quarantine in October, the team suffered 9 in a row and rolled down the standings,And already on November 13, 2020, it was announced that Vladislav Lame was leaving the post of head coach of the family circumstances [12]. At the end of the regular championship, the Krasnoyarsk team, driven by the acting The head coach Andrei Nikishov, took 19th place without getting into the playoffs, which happened for the first time for the team since 2016. According to the results of the 2020/21 championship, the captain of the “winged” Dmitry Tsyganov, who scored 33 points (10 goals + 23 assists), was the best scorer of the Krasnoyarsk. The best sniper of the regular season was Alexei Knyazev who scored 13 goals. The best assistant of the team was Dmitry Tsyganov with 23 programs. The most valuable player of the Falcon in the championship was Yegor Puchkov with a utility of +5. 1973-1977 );
  • Line-up 1973-1978 );
  • The captains of the team 1978-1987 );
  • The main coaches of the team 1975-1985 );
  • Achievements 1973-1977 );
  • All tournament achievements 1973-1978 );

throughout the history of the club '' Falcon ''

  • In the championships of the RSFSR and the USSR for hockey with puck, the second league
  • In the Russian hockey championship with the puck first league
  • Unused numbers
  • The team has not yet unused numbers, however, in the Sokol Ice Palace, where the Krasnoyarsk team (until 2011) previously performed, and where the Sokol school is now holding their classes, banners with numbers of the most outstanding Falcon players in the past are hanging.
  • 1 – Alexander Kulakov (

2 – Sergey Frolov (

5 – Sokolov (

6 – Valery Sosnovsky (

9 – Valery Yesin (

10 – Mikhail Kulikov (

16 – Vladimir Lazarev (

17 – Alexander Zuev (

18 – Valery Semin (

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