Student Council of the Kirov State Medical University | Kirov State Medical University

Student Council of the Kirov State Medical University The Student Council is a form of student self-government and was created as a permanent representative body of students of the Kirov State Medical University. Goals

Student Council of the Kirov State Medical University

The Student Council is a form of student self-government and was created as a permanent representative body of students of the Kirov State Medical University.

Goals and objectives of the Student Council:

formation of a civic culture and an active life position of students, assistance in the development of their social responsibility, independence, ability for self-organization and self-development, skills and abilities of self-government;

ensuring the implementation of the rights to the participation of students in the management of the university.

assistance to the Administration of the Kirov State Medical University;

implementation of socially significant initiatives of students;

development of scientific, creative, organizational potentials of students

involvement of students in solving issues related to the training of highly qualified medical specialists

development of proposals for improving the quality of the educational process, taking into account the personal, professional and scientific interests of students

strengthening and development of interuniversity, interregional and international relations.

Chairman of the Student Council – Shchegolihina Irina, 4th year, Faculty of Medicine (

Deputy Chairman of the Student Council – Anastasia Nekrasova, 5th year student, Faculty of Medicine (

Deputy Chairman of the Student Council – Tamara Mirzakerimova, 5th year student, Faculty of Medicine (

Secretary of the Student Council – Alena Vtyurina, 3rd year student, Faculty of Medicine (

Head of the Media Direction – Valeria Lopoukhova, 3rd year student, Faculty of Medicine (

The media direction is a platform where all the information resources of the Student Council intersect. It is in the media direction that the most interesting ideas and projects are born and implemented.

Main areas of work:

coverage of the events of the Council, the University: photo reports, articles, online broadcasts;

training for a correspondent, photographer, web designer.

Head of Student Television – Anastasia Butorina, 3rd year, Faculty of Medicine (

Student television of the Kirov State Medical University is an information channel about the life of our university.

• coverage of the events of the Council, the University;

• shooting videos and short films;

• training in video filming, video editing and reporting skills.

Head of the Cultural and Mass Direction – Tamara Mirzakerimova, 5th year student, Faculty of Medicine (

The cultural-mass direction organizes extracurricular activities at our University, thereby contributing to the creation of a common creative environment and the versatile disclosure of students' individual abilities.

organization of the largest events of the University, the Council;

coordination of the activities of creative groups;

Disclosure of the creative potential of students.

Head of the Student Sports Club – Irina Tereshko, 3 Course, Pediatric Faculty (

The main task of the club is the development of mass student sports, the organization of sports events aimed at popularizing sports and a healthy lifestyle.

• organization of bright and large -scale sports events of the university, city and region;

• visiting training and sports forums in Russia and abroad;

• conducting charitable and sports events at the university;

• Membership in the Association of the SSC of Russia.

Head of the International Student Club – Angelina Simakova, 3 year, Faculty of Control (

The International Student Club is a unit of the student council of the Kirov GMU, the main task of which is to develop international and international youth cooperation, assistance in the integration of foreign students into the educational, social and cultural environment of the university, region and country.

organization of international internships;

Tutor corps for foreign foreign students, assistance in their adaptation;

Regular English Speaking Club with the participation of launch vehicles of different languages;

Organization of events of various nature for foreign students.

The head of the Tutor Corps – Shikalova Maria, 4 course, Faculty of Control (

Student tutorial is an integral part of the educational process of the Kirov GMU, aimed at adapting freshmen to the educational process in order to create favorable conditions for the personal and professional formation of freshmen in the Kirov GMMU.

assistance to applicants and freshmen in adaptation to the educational process;

curation of junior students, assistance in solving any issues;

Tutor School: preparation of senior students for the role of a mentor.

The head of the educational direction is Dmitry Novoselov, 4 course, the Faculty of Control (

• conducting additional classes in various educational disciplines;

• development of manuals, brochures, guides, articles;

• creation of educational projects in order to improve the quality of students' knowledge;

• Creating a university personnel reserve.

Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Control – Daria Khokhlova, 3 year, Faculty of Control (

Chairman of the Student Council of the Pediatric Faculty – George Aleshichev, 4 Course, Pediatric Faculty (

Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Dental – Elizabeth Teterin, 2nd year, Faculty of Dental (

Chairman of the Student Council of the Socio and Economics Faculty-Zhanna Brake, 3 year, Faculty of Social and Economics (

Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Foreign Students – Fares Mahmood, 3 Course, Faculty of Foreign Students (

Student councils of faculties in their compositions have a large number of socially active students who have many plans and ideas for organizing extracurricular life of the university. The tips of the faculties take part in the events of the university, city and even the region. It was on the initiative of the councils of faculties that a huge number of events, competitions and projects that won grants and received approval from the city administration were born.

Students organize and conduct multidirectional actions for both students of our university and the whole city, and also always actively take part in events as volunteers

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