The rating of the best rollers in Voronezh is free and paid.

✅ 06.05.2022 Skate skating is one of the most popular entertainment in winter. Therefore, there are rollers in all areas of the city and you do not need to go far from home. The editors of together with MTS compiled a guide for covered and

The rating of the best rollers in Voronezh is free and paid.

Skate skating is one of the most popular entertainment in winter. Therefore, there are rollers in all areas of the city and you do not need to go far from home. The editors of, together with MTS, made a guide on covered and open skating rinks in Voronezh.

Covered rollers


You can’t come to the “anniversary” at any time – skating only according to sessions at a certain time and lasts 1.5 hours. Usually the skating rink operates 2 times a week, and on New Year's holidays almost every day – there is a schedule on the site.

Price: input – 200 rubles, skate rental – 100 rubles
Address: Karl Marx, 116
Phone: + 7 (473) 252-26-34

Crystal horse

In the Crystal Horse complex, mass skating is carried out on labor avenue every day, but at a certain time – on Friday almost the whole day, and on Sunday from 11:45. You can also make an appointment with figure skating training there.

Price: 250 rubles per hour, skate rental – 100 rubles
Address: Labor Avenue, 48
Phone: +7 (473) 232-07-93

Northern lights

The covered ice arena Northern Lights is located in the northern region. Mass skiing there pass daily, but only at a certain time – there is a schedule on the site.

Price: 200 rubles for 1.15 skating, skate rental – 100 rubles
Address: Lizyukova, 42V
Phone: +7 (473) 221-21-51

Open rinks

Rink on Lenin Square

The skating rink on Lenin Square is free, and there you can rent skates there. Only in the evening there are a lot of people, so it’s better to come in the afternoon.

Price: Skating is free
Address: Lenin Square

In the park Dolphin

In the Dolphin park, the North Bridge has a small and low -haired rink.

Price: specified
Address: Ksutuzhev, 2b

Rink in Olympic

The rink is poured on the Olympic, but skating is free. Paid only skate rental.

Price: Skating is free
Address: Moskovsky Prospekt, 150
Phone: + 7 (473) 251-35-14

Rink in Admiral

The Admiral tennis club, which is located near the Olympic, becomes a rink in winter – it is quite large and is suitable for both adults and children.

Price: Children under 7 years of age are free, children from 7 to 12-100-15- rubles, adults-150-250 rubles, skate rental for two hours-100 rubles
Address: Avtrass Don, 11th kilometer
Phone: +7 (903) 858-68-57

In the park Scarlet Sails

In the park Scarlet Sails there is an open ice rink. The sessions there last 2 hours 10 minutes and repeat every 2.5 hours.

Price: adult skating and skating rental of 100-150 rubles, for children from 6 to 10 years-100 rubles each
Address: Arzamaskoy, 4D
Phone: + 7 (473) 256-96-47

In the park South

In the left -bank district, in the Yuzhny park, a rink is poured in winter. Clothing there is a session every 2.5 hours.

Price: adult skating 150-200 rubles, for children under 10 years old-100 rubles, skate rental-100 rubles.
Address: Novosibirsk, 5v
Phone: + 7 (473) 256-96-47

In the park Tanais

In the park Tanais, in the southwestern district, a rink is working. It is open, but with good lighting.

Price: adult skating and skating rental of 100-150 rubles, for children from 6 to 10 years-100 rubles each
Address: Olek Dundich, 2
Phone: + 7 (473) 261-76-90

In Dynamo Park

In the Dynamo park, a rink in the parking lot is poured. Around him they put a wooden fence.

Price: adult skating and skating rental of 100-150 rubles, for children from 6 to 10 years-100 rubles each
Address: Lenin, 10
Phone: + 7 (473) 256-96-47

In the park Kudykina Gora

In the Kudykina Gora park there is a rink that is suitable for adults and children. Only there are no sides, so it will be difficult for beginners.

Price: 100-150 rubles
Address: Kamenka, travel scheme on the site
Phone: +7 (960) 140-50-00

Rock to the reservoir

You can ride a reservoir at any time of the day or night, the main thing is that the ice is strong. You can clear the site itself or find the already ready. Minus is uneven ice.

Rating mine! Online : TOP-5 Free Voronezh Katkov

Where to go to ride on skates – in our review

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In January, the city hall reported on her official website that more than a hundred rinks were flooded in Voronezh this winter. The city authorities posted in the public domain a list of these sites with addresses. They also asked Voronezhtsev to inform 228-32-90, if any of the rollers declared in the list is not flooded or filled with snow.

The list really includes 118 flooded ice sites for skates. True, most of them are skating rinks in the school yards (we counted 87 such) and in the domestic territories (11).

In most cases, the word “skating rink” in the school territories means a small patch (usually 12 by 12 meters), cleared from snow and flooded with water from a hose, with uneven ice.

Apart from several private and belonging to the region and the city of rollers, where the exit to the ice with its skates is free, only 11 truly free public ice boxes located in the domestic territories include the city hall list.

We decided to tell you about the five highest quality, in our opinion, free rinks in different areas of the city, which could become a good alternative to Lenin Square for fans of skating.

Rink based on school number 73

Perhaps the best school open ice rink. A solid hockey box with a good fence and gate. The ice is regularly monitored, supporting it in good condition. The rink was long chosen not only by schoolchildren, but also by residents of nearby quarters. The only inconvenience: the skating rink constantly has to divide lovers of skating and those who come to drive the puck.

The address: st. Julus Janonis, 6.

Skate rental: no.

Rink of the Criminal Code Northern Crown

One of the best examples of intra -water rinks served by management companies. The skating rink is supervised by the North Crown Criminal Code., Where to go skating in Voronezh

This winter, many well-equipped ice rinks are open for visitors in Voronezh, where you can comfortably go skating. There are both paid skating rinks and free ones. On some from 10:00 to 11:00 there is a social hour when you do not need to pay an entrance fee. These are sites in the parks Scarlet Sails, Southern and Central (former Dynamo). You can learn more about each of the rinks in our review.Away from the noisy city, there is a large open skating rink with smooth, well-groomed ice. Both adults and children will be welcome here.

The address: Voronezh, Don highway, 11th km

Ticket price

for adults — 150 r.-250 r. For children — 100 r.-150 r. lang=en style=height: 28px;Large ice box with sides and lighting. Good quality ice. Nearby there is a playground with slides. A great alternative to paid skating rinks for residents of the Northern microdistrict.

The address:st. Vladimir Nevsky, 25/7 (in front of the boarding gate).

Skate rental:no.

Skating rink at the Olympic

This winter there are two skating rinks at Olimpik. On one of them (from the entrance to the left) you can ride with your skates for free. On the other (from the entrance to the right, next to the rental building) the entrance with your own skates costs 100 rubles. However, this new rink may attract ice skating enthusiasts with its unusual configuration. It is not an ordinary area filled with ice, but winding ice paths winding along the trees.

The address:Moskovsky prospect, 150 (stop Olympic).

Skate rental:200 rubles per hour.

Skating rink in Orlyonok park

This skating rink opened the winter before last. The site is open daily from 10.00 to 23.00. The skating rink is monitored by the EcoCentre municipal state enterprise, which maintains city parks. The ice is in good condition and cleaned regularly. The only negative is that there is no rental, so you can only ride on your own skates.

The address:st. Tchaikovsky, 6.

Skate rental:no.

Skating rink near the Lokomotiv stadium (Otrozhka)

A great hockey rink with good ice that is constantly monitored. In addition, there are free access to scrapers and shovels in case the ice is covered with snow and someone wants to clear it a little for themselves. The main disadvantage is that it is difficult to get to the rink. But there are always few people here.

The address:

st. Narimanov, 2.

Skate rental:No, but there is a skate sharpening service.
Read alsou041au0430u043a u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u0435u0441u043du043e? u0410 u043au0442u043e u044du0442u043eu0442 u0430u043du0430u043bu0438u0437 u0434u0435u043bu0430u043b u043au0430u0442u043au043eu0432. u041cu044b u0432u043eu0442 u0436u0438u0432u0451u043c u0423 u043du0430u0441 u043au0430u0442u043eu043a, u043fu043e-u043cu043eu0435u043cu0443 u043eu0434u0438u043d u0438u0437 u043bu0443u0447u0448u0438u0445 u0432 u0433u043eu0440u043eu0434u0435, u043fu043eu043au0440u044bu0442u0438u0435 u043au0430u043a u043fu043eu043au0440u044bu0442u0438u0435, u043cu044b u0436u0435 u043du0435 u042fu0433u0443u0434u0438u043du044b u0438 u041fu043bu044eu0449u0435u043du043au043e. u041fu043e-u043cu043eu0435u043cu0443 u043du0438 u0447u0443u0442u044c u043du0435 u0443u0441u0442u0443u043u0430u0435u0442 u043du0430 u041bu0435u043du0438u043du0430. u041cu044b u0441 u043cu043eu0438u043c u043cu0443u0436u0435u043c, u043au0430u0436u0434u044bu0439 u0432u0435u0447u0435u0440 u043fu0440u0430u043au0442u0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438, u0430u0431u0441u043eu043bu044eu0442u043du043e u0431u0435u0441u043fu043bu0430u0442u043du043e u043au0430u0442u0430u0435u043cu0441u044f u0438 u043bu044eu0431u0443u0435u043cu0441u044f u043au0440u0430u0441u043eu0442u043eu0439 u043eu0433u043du0435u0439 u0435u0449u0451 u0432 u0434u043eu0431u0430u0432u043eu043a. u0418 u0435u0441u043bu0438 u043du0435 u043eu0448u0438u0431u0430u044eu0441u044c u044du0442u043e u043fu043eu0434u0430u0440u043eu043a u043du0430u0448u0435u043cu0443 u043au0432u0430u0440u0442u0430u043bu0443 u043eu0442 u0412u0414u041a u0438 u043bu0438u0447u043du043e u0415u0432u0433u0435u043du0438u044f u0425u0430u043cu0438u043du0430 ,comment_image:false,comment_otvet:[ , , ],forma_otvet:,user_rank:,count_likes: ”,”has_like”:false, Where to go skating in Voronezh
This winter, many well-equipped ice rinks are open for visitors in Voronezh, where you can comfortably go skating. There are both paid skating rinks and free ones. On some from 10:00 to 11:00 there is a social hour when you do not need to pay an entrance fee. These are sites in the parks Scarlet Sails, Southern and Central (former Dynamo). You can learn more about each of the rinks in our review.Away from the noisy city, there is a large open skating rink with smooth, well-groomed ice. Both adults and children will be welcome here.
The address
: Voronezh, Don highway, 11th kmTicket price
for adults — 150 r.-250 r. For children — 100 r.-150 r., Where to go skating in Voronezh lang=en style=height: 28px;Large ice box with sides and lighting. Good quality ice. Nearby there is a playground with slides. A great alternative to paid skating rinks for residents of the Northern microdistrict.: 8 (473) 228-68-57, 8 (903) 858-68-57
The address:

st. Vladimir Nevsky, 25/7 (in front of the boarding gate).

Skate rental:

no.Skating rink at the Olympic
This winter there are two skating rinks at Olimpik. On one of them (from the entrance to the left) you can ride with your skates for free. On the other (from the entrance to the right, next to the rental building) the entrance with your own skates costs 100 rubles. However, this new rink may attract ice skating enthusiasts with its unusual configuration. It is not an ordinary area filled with ice, but winding ice paths winding along the trees.The address:
Moskovsky prospect, 150 (stop Olympic).Skate rental:
200 rubles per hour.
Skating rink in Orlyonok parkThis skating rink opened the winter before last. The site is open daily from 10.00 to 23.00. The skating rink is monitored by the EcoCentre municipal state enterprise, which maintains city parks. The ice is in good condition and cleaned regularly. The only negative is that there is no rental, so you can only ride on your own skates.
The address:: +7 (473) 256-96-47, 8-920-449-888-0, 8-920-408-79-49

st. Tchaikovsky, 6.

Skate rental: no.
Skating rink near the Lokomotiv stadium (Otrozhka)A great hockey rink with good ice that is constantly monitored. In addition, there are free access to scrapers and shovels in case the ice is covered with snow and someone wants to clear it a little for themselves. The main disadvantage is that it is difficult to get to the rink. But there are always few people here.
The address: st. Narimanov, 2.
Skate rental:: +7 (473) 229-99-18, +7 (473) 229-05-28, 8-920-467-24-19

No, but there is a skate sharpening service.

Read alsou041au0430u043a u0438u043du0442u0435u0440u0435u0441u043du043e? u0410 u043au0442u043e u044du0442u043eu0442 u0430u043du0430u043bu0438u0437 u0434u0435u043bu0430u043b u043au0430u0442u043au043eu0432. u041cu044b u0432u043eu0442 u0436u0438u0432u0451u043c u0423 u043du0430u0441 u043au0430u0442u043eu043a, u043fu043e-u043cu043eu0435u043cu0443 u043eu0434u0438u043d u0438u0437 u043bu0443u0447u0448u0438u0445 u0432 u0433u043eu0440u043eu0434u0435, u043fu043eu043au0440u044bu0442u0438u0435 u043au0430u043a u043fu043eu043au0440u044bu0442u0438u0435, u043cu044b u0436u0435 u043du0435 u042fu0433u0443u0434u0438u043du044b u0438 u041fu043bu044eu0449u0435u043du043au043e. u041fu043e-u043cu043eu0435u043cu0443 u043du0438 u0447u0443u0442u044c u043du0435 u0443u0441u0442u0443u043u0430u0435u0442 u043du0430 u041bu0435u043du0438u043du0430. u041cu044b u0441 u043cu043eu0438u043c u043cu0443u0436u0435u043c, u043au0430u0436u0434u044bu0439 u0432u0435u0447u0435u0440 u043fu0440u0430u043au0442u0438u0447u0435u0441u043au0438, u0430u0431u0441u043eu043bu044eu0442u043du043e u0431u0435u0441u043fu043bu0430u0442u043du043e u043au0430u0442u0430u0435u043cu0441u044f u0438 u043bu044eu0431u0443u0435u043cu0441u044f u043au0440u0430u0441u043eu0442u043eu0439 u043eu0433u043du0435u0439 u0435u0449u0451 u0432 u0434u043eu0431u0430u0432u043eu043a. u0418 u0435u0441u043bu0438 u043du0435 u043eu0448u0438u0431u0430u044eu0441u044c u044du0442u043e u043fu043eu0434u0430u0440u043eu043a u043du0430u0448u0435u043cu0443 u043au0432u0430u0440u0442u0430u043bu0443 u043eu0442 u0412u0414u041a u0438 u043bu0438u0447u043du043e u0415u0432u0433u0435u043du0438u044f u0425u0430u043cu0438u043du0430 ,comment_image:false,comment_otvet:[ , , ],forma_otvet:,user_rank:,count_likes: ”,”has_like”:false, Where to go skating in Voronezh
This winter in Voronezh, a lot of well -equipped ice platforms are opened for visitors, where you can comfortably ride on skates. There are both paid rollers and free ones. On some from 10:00 to 11:00 there is a “social hour” when you do not need to pay for the entrance. These are sites in the parks Scarlet Sails, South and Central (former Dynamo). You can learn more about each of the rollers in our review.Far from the noisy city is a large open skating rink with even, well -groomed ice. Here, both adults and children will be happy.
The address: Voronezh, Autotrass Don, 11th km
Ticket price
For adults-150 r.-250 p. For children-100 r.-150 p. Children under 7 years old pass for free. : +7 (473) 232-07-93, +7 (473) 232-03-93
The cost of skating rolled

: 100 p. For 2 hours, the next hours are paid 50 p.

The club has a restaurant and karaoke club on the territory of the club. After actively spent hours, you can eat and have fun with friends. Working hours
: every day, 10: 00-22: 00 Telephone
More information is posted on the site: more: the best schools of Novosibirsk according to the rating agency: a list of the best schools and gymnasiums.
On the left bank is a beautiful park, a favorite place for many Voronezh residents. In the summer you can take a walk here, and in winter it is fun to ride skates in an open stadium.The address
: Voronezh, st. Arzamas, 4a : +7 (473) 261-76-90

skating for children-100 p., adults-150 p.-200 p. From 10:00 to 11:00, skating is free, the “social hour” is valid.

Figure or sports skates rental price

: 150 p.
You can visit a cafe in the park. Working hours
: daily 11: 00-23: 00 Telephone

If you want to ride in a calm atmosphere, learn to stand confidently on skates, come to the new Ice Palace Almaz. At your service is a large closed skating rink.

The address

: Ramonsky district, s. Yamnoye, st. Sports, 24, City Park district Grad The cost of skiing
: from 250 p./hour Working hours
: daily 9: 00-21: 00 Telephone
In the center of Voronezh there is a large ice complex, where not only mass skating is carried out, but also the training of children of figure skating is being trained.If you want to bring a child here or just spend time with good health, come.: 9:00-23:00
The address: 8-919-240-51-11

: Voronezh, st. 1905 revolution, 31a

The cost of skiing

: 250 p./Hour The cost of renting any skates
: 100 p. Work time must be clarified.


More information is posted on the site:

The Prometheus sports complex is located in the Soviet district of Voronezh, next to the Tanais park. Voronezh residents can play tennis, billiards here, in the summer – swim in the open pool, and in winter – ride skates.The address
: Voronezh, st. Olek Dundich, 4
Price Rooping in the temporary range 14: 00-18: 00 for adults-160 p., For children under 10 years old-80 p. From 18:00 to 22:00, on Sundays, Saturdays, holidays for adults – 200 p., Children – 100 p.
The cost of skating rolled
: 100 p./Hour Working hours
: on weekdays from 14:00 to 22:00 (depending on the weather conditions), on holidays, the weekend-from 11:00 to 22:00 (technical breaks in the range of 16: 30-18: 00) are possible. : +7 (473) 269-40-50


More detailed information is posted on the site:

Rink on Lenin SquarePerhaps this is the most famous rink of 2017 in Voronezh. It is located next to the main city Christmas tree, on Lenin Square. Many people come here to ride here. Fans of calm, slow skiing here can be cramped. But you will definitely not have to be bored.
The entrance to the skating rink is free.Skate rental
: 250 p. for an hour and a half (+ security), a cell in the storage room – 50 p. Working hours
: daily, excluding Monday, from 10:30 to 22:00.Rink in the juice Olympic
In 2017, the seasonal skating rink in the Olympic sports complex was again opened. It is not as crowded here as in the main square, you can breathe fresh forest air, and then go into one of the many cafes located in the territory.: 256-96-47

The address

: Voronezh, Moskovsky Prospekt, 150

Price For entering the whole day with your inventory: 100 p.
Skate rental: 200 p./Hour
Opening hoursTelephone
Rink in the park EagletIf you are a happy owner of your own skates, come to the Eaglet Park. Here, specially for the Voronezh residents, a spacious ice platform is flooded.
The address: 252-26-34

: Voronezh, st. Tchaikovsky, 6

The site is open

from 10:00 to 23:00The entertainment complex The Voda
In the picturesque place of Voronezh on the territory of the popular entertainment complex there is a free rink. Quickly freezing skaters have the opportunity to bask right in skates on a winter chalet veranda.The address
: Voronezh, st. Darwin, 1E The entrance is free.
The cost of skating rolled – 250 p. in a day
A restaurant located on the territory provides visitors with delicious and satisfying dinners and dinners. : +7 (473)226-58-01

The skating rink works

From 12:00 to 21:00 on weekdays, from 10:00 to 22:00 on weekends and holidays.

TelephoneRink in the park Yuzhny
In winter, the parks turn into a snow tale. You can not only walk along the alleys, enjoying winter landscapes, but also spend time more actively. In 2017 One of the most popular places for the inhabitants of the left bank of Voronezh remains an ice rink in the Yuzhny Park.The address
: Voronezh, st. Novosibirsk, 5v Price
passage to an adult skating rink from Monday to Thursday – 150 rubles, from Friday to Sunday – 200 p. Children under 7 years of age do not need to pay, the price for children under 12 years old is 100 p. From 10:00 to 11:00 there is a “social hour”: you can ride for free. The cost of skating rolled : 150 p. For the session. Working hours : daily from 11:00 to 23:00. : +7 (473) 227-21-12.


Rink in the Dynamo Park

Dynamo Park is a favorite place for Voronezh residents, especially after reconstruction. Now this place looks well -groomed and beautiful, many interesting entertainments have appeared here. For example, an ice rink was opened.The address
: Voronezh, st. Lenin, 12 Price
Catania is from 100 p. up to 200 p. Depending on time. From Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 the entrance to the site is free. The cost of skating rolled
: 150 p. in 3 hours. The skating rink works

On Wednesdays: 21: 30-22: 30; Saturdays: 21: 30-22: 30, 00: 15-01: 15; On Sundays – from 21:30 to 22:30.


SK CrystalA large rink in the winter of 2017 can be found at the Kristal sports complex on the left bank. The ice is constantly updated here, good conditions for skiing have been created.
The address

: Voronezh, st. Perenozhtkina, 5


Roading on weekends and holidays is 150 p. from 9:00 to 12:00, 200r.From 13:00 to 22:00. On weekdays, you will have to pay 100 p. From 10:00 to 22:00, 150 p. from 13:00 to 16:00, 200 p. – From 18:00 to 22:00. On Mondays and Tuesdays in the intervals from 10:00 to 12:00 the entrance to the stadium is free. The cost of skating rolled
It is 100 rubles/hour.

Working hours

: 9: 00-22: 00 on holidays and weekends, 10: 00-22: 00-on weekdays.

TelephoneIce Arena Northern Lights
If you want to enjoy serene skates, do not want others to constantly crash into you, visit the new ice lease Northern Lights located in the center of the Northern District of Voronezh. The main advantage of the stadium is its area. It is 1456 m2. After outdoor activities, you can sit with friends in a sport bar.:
The address
: Voronezh, st. Lizyukova, 42V
Visiting the rink is 200 rubles. for the session (1 hour 15 minutes).
Skate rental
It is carried out for 100 p.
Schedule of mass skating
You can find out by phone: +7 (473) 221-21-51 or on the official website of the organization. For questions
Rasket rental Contact the number: 8-920-214-70-07.
The phone of the rink administration: +7(473) 2-33-03-91

DS Yubileiny

One of the most grandiose structures of Voronezh is the Yubileiny Sports Palace, well acquainted with the inhabitants of the city. It is located in his very heart, so getting to the ice venue will not be.

The address: Voronezh, st. Karl Marx, 116
Price For the entrance to the skating rink will be 150 rubles, if you have enough hourly session, and 200 rubles, if you want to ride an hour and a half.
The cost of skating rolled – 100 p.
Schedule schedule: 263-91-29

You can always check by phone: 252-26-34. Usually the site is open 21:30 to 22:30 on Wednesdays and from 21:30 to 23:00, as well as from 00:15 to 00:45 on Saturdays.

Rink near the stadium Lokomotiv

In the abstraction near the Lokomotiv stadium, a good skating rink flows. Those who want to maintain the purity of ice are given scrapers and shovels. For many, a big minus is the removal of the site from the city. It is not so easy to get here, but for those who have personal transport, this is the main advantage of the place. It is almost always free here. The skates are not given to the rental, but you are ready to sharpen yours.The address
: G.Voronezh, Narimanova, 2 The entrance is free.
Rink based on school number 73: +7 (473)242-15-67, 236-42-37

In 2017, many Katkov in Voronezh opened a lot, including the school. The one that is poured on the basis of school No. 37, especially fell in love with the townspeople. This is a new, well -groomed hockey box with smooth ice. The only drawback is that the desire to occupy it arises both among skaters and hockey players.

The address

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