Today is the final of the All-Russian competition of young readers "Live Classics"

Today is the final of the All -Russian competition of young readers Living Classic

In Artek, the best reciters of Russia will be chosen on the main stage of the Arena

Today is the final of the All-Russian competition of young readers Live Classics

Today is the final of the All -Russian competition of young readers Living Classic

On May 15 at 20:30 Moscow time, the final of the largest children's literary competition in our country will begin, which is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.

In Artek, the best reciters of Russia will be chosen on the main stage of the Arena. Everyone will be able to get, albeit virtually, to the reading holiday.

This year, an online broadcast of the Live Classics competition was organized. On the official website of the competition, it was possible to follow all the qualifying stages, and you can also see all the performances of the finalists if you follow this link – Broadcast starts at 20:30.

The path to the final was not easy for all project participants. They went to this for a whole year, reading books one after another, asking for advice from relatives, friends, teachers, trying to find a work that would become part of themselves. Correctly selected text, according to the participants, is already half the victory.

Chingiz Aitmatov, Yuri Yakovlev, Stepan Pisakhov, Nadezhda Teffi, Lydia Charskaya, Arkady Averchenko, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Anton Chekhov, Boris Vasilyev have always been among the most popular authors in the competition.

The participants of the district stages received certificates from Litres as a gift, and the download statistics showed us the following. Young readers like science fiction and adventure novels by contemporary authors. This is the literature that takes them to other worlds and makes fantasy work: and now they are heroes of parallel reality. Therefore, the most popular were such texts as “The House in Which…” by Mariam Petrosyan, “Howl’s Moving Castle” by Diana Wynn Jones, “Charmed” by Inbali Iserles, “Waffle Heart” by Maria Parr, “Wolves in the Walls” by Neil Gaiman, “Enchanted Forest” Diana Wynne Jones.

“The Living Classics competition is a unique platform for reading children. As you know, the love of reading is born from one's own conscious choice. And it is very interesting to see which books children choose for themselves from the list that LitRes provides to the contestants. Thus, the most popular among the younger generation were such genres as science fiction, fantasy and adventure novels. As for classical writers, the most frequently downloaded books by contestants were Jack London, Jules Verne, Kir Bulychev and Charles Dickens,” says Sergey Anuryev, General Director of the LitRes group of companies.

18 finalists will fight on the main stage of Artek, who will compete for the honor of performing on June 6 in the super final on Red Square. In total, 255 young readers from all over our country came to the legendary children's center: from northern Norilsk to sunny Krasnodar.Each region of Russia sent three children who were able to successfully overcome the school, then the district stage and win the regional. But the tests in readership did not end there. As soon as the contestants arrived at the camp, they immediately began to participate in qualifying tests that took almost a week.

This year, the jury included: Rector of GITIS Grigory Zaslavsky, People's Artist of Russia Andrei Sokolov, children's writer Andrei Usachev, theater and film actress Elena Zakharova.

The director of the Artek MDC Alexei Kasprzhak noted that the Living Classic is an Artek -year -old partner, and the children's center is happy to become a platform of competitive finals:

“This competition connects“ digital ”generations with classics, it instills a taste for reading and allows you to feel the beauty of the word. Together, this works to awaken interest in Russian and world literature and the continuity of high cultural standards historically inherent in our country. ”

Alexei Kasprzhak added that “The Book in Artek” plays one of the key roles in the cultural education of children ”:

“Today, every artic shift has the main book that expresses an ideology that underlies the shift. This forms the cult of the book, its understanding as still an integral attribute of human life. Another example is our project “Bookcrossing in Artek”, during which the guys exchange books. He became one of the most popular, and here it is especially pleasant that the articists enjoy the right to take a favorite book with themselves, and more than a thousand books have found new owners: children have taken the book as value with them. ”

The winners of the All-Russian final of the competition will receive gifts from the partners of the project: certificates for downloading their favorite works in modern electronic and audio format from the Electronic Books Service Liters, for the purchase of books from the store Book24 of the EXMO—AST Publishing Group, and teaching English from online Skyeng schools, audiobooks from the National Fund for support of copyright holders and others.

The largest children's literary competition in our country Living Classics appeared seven years ago in St. Petersburg. Every year, 2.5 million schoolchildren from 85 regions of Russia take part in it. Pupils from 10 to 17 years old compete in the recitation of prosaic works. Children can choose any work for reading by heart, the main requirement is that it be in Russian. The jury recommends not to exceed the rules of the performance: for each reader, five minutes are allocated. In total, the contestant must pass several stages before Victory: school, district, regional, qualifying stage, semi -finals and final in Artek, as well as a superfinal on Red Square. The project is implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of a civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.The general partner of the competition of young readers is Norilskel. Today, the competition of young readers is held in all regions with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and the number of participants annually exceeds two million.

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